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Depth perception is done in the brain, not the eyes. It’s all post-processing. There is some processing apparently in the retina for edge detection and highlighting vertical and horizontal edges, but that’s it.

There is plenty of data from a single camera on a moving car to make that map based on occlusion/eclipsing, rate of change of angular coverage, and the small side-to-side motions of the vehicle.

What humans see is far less important than what humans predict. The major failing in self-driving is being unable to make decent predictions in the absence of visual information .

Not looking at the fuel trim in the vehicle data is a big flag on the conclusion by the guy in the video. It should start low and gradually become more negative if the fuel is getting into the oil. 

How much do ramps and a bucket cost? $120 for an oil change seems criminal. 

“pick up a Canada goose”

Now you make out as if it is an event for which making a “funny joke” is appropriate. That’s not “dry,” that’s cruel. WTF is wrong with you?

You must be useless at parties. Most everyone there should have brought water and shade is in the car where the A/C can be run. This is an area where the locals keep 2 gallons or more of water in the car in case the car breaks down and where evaporative cooling is ridiculously effective so even a water bottle’s worth

Are you looking for a car? 

Drones can be repositioned.

That burning you are feeling from metal on a bike is likely because the saddle has been stolen. I have not seen a bike that had metal grips or seat; not something easily missed in 6 decades of riding bicycles.

It seems like the only chance to help him was to take a risk and douse him with water before he got to his car. Maybe he is fine and that makes him mad as hell, but if a person appears to be stumbling and making no sense there aren’t many medical conditions that are made worse by being wet and a clear one that is

I think the real beating happens in the top percent of charge where one is trying to drive the last of the chemical reaction with most of the reactants already removed. Check to see how warm a battery is when on the charger to see how far along the process is. I think this is why lithium cells go from constant current

Yup. Plants grown in one desert to feed cattle grown in another desert.

Unless a wall and a blindfold are involved there are any number of others ready to step into the vacancy. Considering the conviction wasn’t towing related the rest of the tow companies remain at the ready.

Little Bobby Tables would like a talk with the “just paste and don’t look” guy. It isn’t just text contained in the icon, it’s Reuters supplying alternative text during the copy request and that text could be anything.

There was a time anyone could go to a gate without a ticket to meet arrivals.

Are you out of NVDA yet or do you think they will recover?

They honk like that because their ability to avoid running people down is not perfect, so they are making it everyone else’s problem to avoid them. This makes some sense on vehicles where the driver has significant areas that are blocked from view, which is where the back-up beeper comes in. There is no excuse for

This is the sort of careless error that can get people killed. What if, instead of a random person being falsely identified for having drunk sex, it was a person banned for making a bomb threat - and now that person is becoming very agitated at not being allowed near an airplane? What are the police told to fill them