
The live rounds were supplied by someone who has a problem with the person who supplied ammo to the Rust production by walking them into a police station after Gutierrez-Reed was convicted. So, there’s no link to the Rust set, no chain of custody, and a clear motive to suggest the guy who did supply ammo was the one

No. No you cannot know where the tax money went.

Even more - taking a position in that way influences nothing. It doesn’t even hurt Netanyahu’s feelings as he doesn’t care.

I don’t see an advantage to a carve-out for careless gun use because it’s by an actor. As an actor who was also fully up to speed with the shortcuts to safety, having been in the meetings where they were planned, I don’t see being an actor as an out. He should have demanded safe working conditions and was negligent in

The Sprint missile, which has an engine that produces zero torque but an ungodly amount of power, accelerates at 100 gs. I, with a suitable lever, can produce 1 million foot pounds of torque, but the power is so low nothing is moving fast.

It is literally the “job” of every single person handling an actual firearm.

They only have to show he used insufficient care in the handling of a weapon designed to be lethal. Taking that weapon from anyone but the armorer is insufficient care.

I think the test was using a machine to bash the gun to force it to go off. They had already done a great number of tests to see if any normal use would cause it to misfire. Like, will it misfire if it is hit with a hammer. Apparently it broke and did not misfire.

That’s because SAG sets have qualified armorers who directly hand the weapon to the actor; not telephone games with someone hired for multiple jobs, only one of which is armorer on a set chosen outside of Hollywood specifically to dodge union rules.

In the previous video and the reason the pavement is wet is they have a hose watering the elephants. It also looks as if they are free to head back to their trailer.

It is typical that people in large vehicles have no idea that how they drive is terrifying to those in small vehicles. Like filling the entire width of the rear view so that changing lanes is impossible to do safely due to following too closely. The large vehicle driver feels perfectly safe to do this because their

There were the 1st Bank and 2nd Bank and 3rd Bank. Then the first 3rd Bank failed and they made the second 3rd Bank and so on.

Over height is not always coordinated to go around, as this case shows.

Sepulveda Boulevard is more than 2,000 feet long, but the tunnel is about that length.

Music performance rights. Do that and there are enforcers who will clean out your company. They will find you. They don’t feel remorse and they do not stop.

That doesn’t make anything better. The buyer needed a car, not a bailout, and now he has no car. If the dealer did that, it will be put onto that guy’s taxes as income, so he also owes the IRS their cut. 

I don’t know a single person who would be given the same leeway if they killed 346 people.”

I am currently on the dark side of the Earth. 

It isn’t possible to feel a different rate of descent. One might feel a longer acceleration to get to the rate of descent, but then that acceleration may be higher or lower than normal and will be less than felt in turbulence.

There is no “dark side” of the Moon any more than there is a “dark side” of the Earth. The Moon does have a far side and near side, but that’s pretentious as it is only applicable to the point of view of the barely into space travel humans.