
Probably took a working transmission from a wreck and did a transplant. Or the transmission problem is one they knew about when they sold it to the main character in this story, knowing it would come back for whatever would cause said character to toss in the towel. I keep watching ethical mechanics and all one has to

Is the image sourcing rule that they don’t pay for photos?

Their leader was a real-estate agent.

This is the apartment he can afford. Doesn’t matter if apartments he likely can no longer afford have bigger places. Sure, he could have moved into one with valet parking, and just chose not to do that. 

I am unsure if the photo is of his truck, but backing in to stay out of the aisle usually ends up blocking the sidewalk, which is typical for truck owners to do. Who cares about that 18 inch trailer hitch or the need some people to have a wheel-chair width of space?

“He should have read his contract” is all the farther that sentence needs to go. The reason for reading them is to uncover the not-normal clauses; it’s the entire point of having contract lawyers look over contracts.

Recall too that the rules were changed so that a turbine car would also never again race at the Indy 500.

The US doesn’t train LEOs much. There are a large number of people killed by cops because cops are trained to have lightning response to their own fear, many for having a cell phone in their hand. The cops all watch the same video over and over and over of one traffic stop in the 1970s where a guy was pulled over for

People sometimes notice when drones are flying.

They sent over 150 officers to Uvalde. What good did that do?

The airline signs a contract for services. If those services for their customers are poorly done, it is still the airline’s fault. Blaming an airline because a kiosk worker sold a bad burrito? That’s tougher. Ensuring the bags are secure with the people they hand them to? Can’t just hand off responsibility for that.

That moves the passenger up to “probably no stealing.”

FOX Cable would not have been regulated by the Fairness Doctrine as that was limited to over-the-air broadcasting under the FCC. Congress could have put together a bill to close that loophole, but they chose not to. 

Simple enough. I know that the cast of the Stargate TV series was run through fully automatic weapons training. If the armorer feels an actor cannot handle a fully functional firearm, then never hand that actor a fully functional firearm. On that series, there were some who got molded plastic part to hold. 

Say “Bye” to Gizmodo as they have apparently been sold off. 

There isn’t anything that is going to accelerate any development by 2 decades. Per https://app.ediscoveryassistant.com/case_law/46498-zunum-aero-inc-v-boeing-co it appears that Zunum had been difficult.

Good point on the legal status of stealing trade secrets.

I am looking forward to finding out what trade secrets they thought they had and why they didn’t file for patent protection for those ideas.

There is almost no chance one employee missed removing chips on 100,000 engines. There is a great chance that all engines, using 0 weight oil are experiencing what happens when 0 weight oil isn’t enough.

It is far more frequent for a cop, all hopped up on adrenaline, to kill a person for holding a phone, or pulling their pants up while begging for their life, than to make a meaningful response to a gunman.