
Can’t hear the echo from its own sonar due to the large sound of the ship that it likely identified as being hundreds of feet away at the propellers and not right there with the very low turbulence, silent bow. Possibly at night; while the ship may have lights visible to the sides, they are probably not very visible

No fair. There’s a 99.9% chance you are correct. Might as well bet that the poker hand I am holding has five fingers attached.

The origin of civil asset forfeiture was to give the government a way to handle a particularly ugly problem - abandoned pirate ships. For some reason hanging of pirates drove pirates to bail out and leave their ships rather than be captured on them. Because no owner would step up to claim a pirate ship there was a

You can get it back. A house is of little use to the government. They accept cash offers in exchange for the return. Often the tipping point is whether the amount they have taken is worth the cost of an attorney and court fees to get it back. If they take $1 Million, they they know you are likely to fight and will

Not just the cars. Grab the motor coach from Clarence Thomas and put it up on blocks with no shades on the windows for a year. Gets two things done. Makes the point and makes John Oliver’s offer more tempting and Oliver has indicated an itch to open that offer back up. 

Some of the most persistent and damaging chemicals come from the very old companies - they know how to hide the evidence from long experience.

Yes - it had a fault. It was a fault that was easily overcome. It’s also a fault that has been corrected in a way as to avoid unwanted interactions with wrong-performing crews.

What you pointed to is “contributing factors” not cause. The cause was failure of the crew along with MCAS.

We propose that the probable cause in the final report present the following causal factors to fully reflect the circumstances of this accident:

Why do you believe skin color is the driving function of 3rd world problems? You are the one implying that.

Are you worried someone might be wrong or that your shares won’t vest before bears make the news for preferentially tearing cars apart to get to your plant based products? Tanned leather doesn’t taste or smell like food. 

The NTSB and EASA both concluded there were significant training failures. That is - the pilots did not perform according to the specified procedures. The plane was grounded because they needed to figure out what to do about pilots who did the opposite of every single required step.

Ahh - making the entire vehicle a buffet for ants, other insects, and every rodent for miles around. Smooth move. 

which relentlessly drove the trim” This is plainly false. MCAS looked at the AoA and made a trim input, stopping after 9 seconds. It would not make any more inputs unless the trim condition changed. This was clearly seen in the many minutes of ET-302 flight data when the pilots stopped pushing the trim switch.

Ok investigator. You have looked at the FDR and the inputs from NTSB that duplicate what I have written, but are smarter and can see that the completely functional plane should have seen the pilots release the controls and push back. Except that pesky first 90 minute hand-flown flight to a safe and unremarkable

All that comes to mind is that if you are looking the person in the eye as opposed to the anonymity of hitting them from behind, it may slow the response a little. 

It was known to the second crash crew who mismanaged it worse than the first crew to encounter it managed without additional expensive training and the next crew that was the first to crash from it - the first crash crew was managing fine with the experienced captain properly retrimming in response. He did not tell

Which segment /state?

Flamborghini Ignitorino.

Other way around. It’s a great design to separate out those who are a constant source of danger to themselves and others before putting them into the city street system. Like the 11foot8 bridge, it’s a reminder to others to always pay attention, particularly on blind corners into stoplight controlled intersections.