Put a bumper onto a spoiler mount? Hmmmm. Time for some mig work.
Put a bumper onto a spoiler mount? Hmmmm. Time for some mig work.
Forward visibility, already compromised on modern trucks, is reduced further. A similar characteristic is seen on tail-dragging aircraft where the pilot either leans their head out the sides to see ahead of them or they zig-zag to provide that view.
You have numbers that are not realistic. If you want to convert to “per hour” you need to specify the hour basis. Is it the number of hours per month? The number of hours that aircraft are in the air? The number of hours waiting at the baggage carousel?
Just don’t drop one of those acorns on a police car.
Recall how Wall Street bundled garbage together to sell to financially literate people who didn’t realize they were being lied to by the rating agency?
Go into a dealership with torn jeans and a stained t-shirt and then come back a month later in a 3 piece suit and tie.
They typically carry personal towels to sit on. They aren’t any happier than you with finding a sweat covered seat and take some responsibility not to leave one.
There was a guy who tracked a package from London (I think) to the edge of North Korea, the intended destination, with AirTags. He wanted to know if “We Deliver Anywhere” meant it. They accepted the money to ship the two test packages.
The way the police retrieved my neighbor’s stolen small pick-up was by unwrapping it from around a power pole a few weeks later.
I’d forgotten; I even had one of those crap cars. The windshield leaked. The tail lights leaked, damaging a scissor jack that I still own. There was a massive leak from underneath that I never found that would fill the foot well from driving in the rain. After not too many miles the engine cylinders filled with carbon…
But no alligator shoes. The alligator was barefoot.
I just looked at production numbers and Tesla has sold more cars than Ford sold Pintos. That Tesla is ahead in deaths is a bit surprising, but the biggest difference is Pintos had no airbags. Pinto - 1.9 Million; Tesla - 2,7 Million. For Tesla to have so little difference when airbags are installed is remarkable.
There are enough crashes involving proponents of the system who were vocal about just how they used it to suggest that the name isn’t the primary problem.
I think the fuel economy mandates still exist, making larger vehicles easier to pass the EPA requirements.
They love a good token to trot out.
Laura Boebert became a grandmother at 36.
It’s only valuable if it is cross referenced to trips near the sex toy store and that you stopped there for 23.9 minutes and therefore the receipt that says “Merv’s books” at the same time on the credit card, must have been for a sex toy purchase. Making that anonymous would affect the mail-order place and online…
You can usually find a separate plug to disconnect it. If lucky, there is a fuse.
More - if someone stole your ID information, got a drivers license under false pretenses and then left that at the site of a mass murder.
Offer to buy it for $10 and they won’t ask who you are. Tell them you sell extended car warranties and this dude has been evading you for months.