“In 2018, a drone was deliberately used to disrupt operations at Gatwick Airport outside of London.”
“In 2018, a drone was deliberately used to disrupt operations at Gatwick Airport outside of London.”
“In 2018, a drone was deliberately used to disrupt operations at Gatwick Airport outside of London.”
We have a winner, although home made ones are also a possibility.
For a couple hundred dollars a rear facing radar indicator for overtaking vehicles is available from Garmin that should be mountable on the motorcycle. It can detect overtaking vehicles at 100 meters or more and provide an estimate of time-to-impact/overtake.
Are residents not already informed that it is illegal to park in bus zones? Isn’t there a sign that says “NO PARKING”?
The reason looking at the road is not working is because of the glare. Peripheral vision is also obliterated by the glare. Seems crazy that retinas work that way when the brightness is too high.
The Model-T, that made cars affordable for the masses.
As long as my head crests the hill before my headlamps do, adaptive headlamps do squat for blinding the hell out of me when I most need to see what was blocked by the hill. What adaptive headlamps do is make the owner of them feel better about lighting up neighboring houses with the power of a thousand suns because…
I too love not seeing any obstacles in my lane and just hoping there isn’t someone lying in the road.
If you are already night-blind from too much light you won’t be annoyed by being further blinded. Also, you can reduce the annoyance at loud stereos by taking a pencil and stabbing out your eardrums.
Do they avoid shining down and producing a massively bright reflection when it is raining? Cause there is nothing I like better than being unable to see the road surface and road markings during rainfall.
Dealerships provide plausible deniability for major design problems - “Sorry sir, this is the only time we have ever encountered this problem - for which we just happen to have over 200 units of repair parts in stock.”
They don’t want a standoff. They want a massacre, a slaughter, a way to work out the feelings they have that beating their wives just doesn’t satisfy.
They are cowards. Thankfully no acorn fell on a car roof or this guy could have had 400 rounds fired at him - 20 per cop, then reload and fire out again.
Seems like a good time to make a rear-facing radar that announces overtaking vehicles for motorcyclists. Such items are for sale for bicycles.
There are plenty of self-locking tapers and this looks like it was designed as one. However the self-locking depends on not having some dumbass lube it up.
That’s a wearable. Not part of the bike. Try to stay on the topic of how motorcycles have not changed in 100 years to protect the rider, even if a few high end ones make some pitiful attempt that won’t help in 99% of crashes compared to the changes in automobiles that have seen huge improvements in crash safety.
As soon as the word “wearable” entered your reply you showed how you aren’t talking about motorcycle design anymore. I was very specific about collision dynamics, not collision avoidance. Bikers still get hit by cars and trucks and nothing in the design of motorcycles has been done to stop that.
It was legal in Missouri to own and exact forced labor out of people.
Even better: on-demand organ donation. Like they are stopped at a light and next thing they know they are down one kidney, a long, and a lobe of liver.