
Imagine how terrible of a driver you have to be to 1) react to a biker kicking your car at highway speeds, 2) try to engage a retaliatory attempt to take the biker out, and 3) to then lose control of the vehicle over something that was so inconsequential and not worth reacting to.

Wow, kicking the car is not nearly as bad as swerving into the biker and attempting to murder him, followed by loss of control of your own vehicle, and flipping a SUV.

Oh i’m not poor by any means. I don’t need “excuses”. What I have is empathy compassion and an understanding of how the world works.

Ah yes. The conservative ideal...“Work hard, youll get everything you desire!”

To be fair, you said exactly that in the article and it was very clear. Some people just hate fun and like to nit pick.

Uh, the Viper is their road course car. It’s beaten the 918 and P1 for a 1/10 of the price...

That’s a lot of words for not caring.

No, it’s not always your fault for rear-ending someone. For example, if they cut into your lane without giving safe space, it’s not your fault for rear-ending. And I’m not just giving hypothetical fault, I’m talking LEGAL fault here. As in the law. As in, you’re an asshat.

You shouldn’t get into another lane if it forces the vehicles traveling into that lane to get on their brakes. Watch the video again, the left lane is moving a lot faster than the other lanes.

TIL you can change lanes without checking your blind spot and cause an accident and people on the internet will say it’s “legitimate.”

You’re so full of shit. The lane WASN’T clear, and it didn’t “look” clear. there were 2 vehicles coming up in that lane and the car pulled out in front of both of them. And no one was speeding, so quit saying the motorcycle was at fault when the car was clearly initiated the accident

You sound extremely safe, please stay away from me on the freeways, thank you! 👍🏻

How can a single actor in a multiple actor event be 100% at fault....but also “everyone screwed up”?

I’m going to have to ask you to leave now, please. Don’t make a scene.

Why is this a thing? Trying to find blame on the person did nothing wrong.

Bubba, when I took my oath of allegiance, I didn’t have to offer fealty to the President. But I did have to affirm this:

A reminiscence does not require one’s personal attendance, merely that one is reminded. If a painting reminds me of a Picasso, to me it is reminiscent of a Picasso. It doesn’t mean that I recall watching Picasso paint.

Seems like the military taking political sides is pretty divisive.

I’m actually surprised you know how to read in the first place...

This directly concerns a car company, my man. We can’t just put fingers in our ears and pretend it’s not happening.