do we have any idea what kind of car it was? I mean if he had been receiving death threats it is possible he had an armored car which is a possible explanation to why he survived. Either way, it's good he survived.
Other than the headlights, I think the car looks really good. Swap them out for single bulb round headlights and I'd pay 1 million for... If I had a million dollars to spend on a retro themed Ferrari.
Hoon, hoon, hoon your Audi,
So what does someone do with a life size paper Mustang? Do you display it in your home? Do you give it to an arts Museum? Seriously, what is he going to do with it?
I prefer hectometers per millisecond
Maybach, it all but vanished after the second world war, Mercedes did acquire the rights to the name in 1960, but did nothing with it. Instead of making gorgeous cars for the German elite along with tank engines, they now make little more than dresses up S-Classes for people like Simon Cowell to display his wealth
actually, it's not negligible at all. Let's take the ideal gas law, PV=nRT, and let's assume that the gas is ideal, throwing away affects of compressibility and what not. Now let's solve for Pressure, but before we can do that we need to define some variables first, let's assume for easy calculation we have 1 mole of…
it's already 5? Damn, this day has gone by fast, I guess that's what happens when you have no class. Congrats on the COTD
define a shit load
I was talking to my pledge brother about how usually you have to get drunk at one place then go to another place to have fun and how awesome it would be if could continue drinking at the football games so you don't have to get really hammered before the game and he turns and says yeah, it's called NASCAR, that's why…
Esquire picks non-domestic car as "Domestic car of the year"
The focus with a 5 speed was the first manual car I drove over a long distance. I learned manual previously on other cars, but the focus was the first time I spent over an hour driving. It was fall 2010, and I was with my fraternity in PCB for beach weekend, and I had a thermo 1 test Monday after beach weekend. I…
Roberto G, still trolling everyday