this is cool right now, must be your favorite song
to an enthusiast a prius is about as attractive as having a limb amputated. To you 50 mpg might be the only thing you care about in a car, great more gas for me, but to me it is an appliance, I don't love it now matter how it's clothed no matter how you present. and that's the difference between you and me, you will…
listening to "soulja boy" That fucker came to my high school to promote his album, I mean tell us to stay in school.
you a fellow Techie?
no, that's the ratio of female employees to male employees
they really need to raise the speed limits on all those roads, it was 45 through Atlanta on 75 and 85 when they were doing construction, everyone sill did 70+
damn it Ray, thanks for ruining the race for me, I knew something awesome was going to happen during the race! Then it happened, and you know what? You completely ruined it for me, would've been better if I hadn't know about it. Cause that alien invasion didn't live up to the hype
"innocent until proven guilty" deny deny deny
Aryton Senna's one lap of Donington where he went from fifth to first in the rain
it's on the same slide as No. 2. I was lost of a minute too
so I suppose the booze is to drink while you wait for a tow truck, the rifles are to carjack someone if the tow truck doesn't show up and the breakdown kit is for when you're in the middle of nowhere and there's no one to carjack and are going to try and fix it because this thing will probably be about as reliable as…
"new research shows fuel prices need to reach stratospheric levels before a majority of Australians will consider buying or leasing an EV."
I guess when crashing your Ferrari is your biggest problem, then life is pretty good.