
A man who was paid handsomely without producing anything of value has nothing left to learn in Silicon Valley.

Pilot: Ho lee Fuk

Okaaaaaay . . . . okaaaaay . . . . . .

Evans is unwatchable and unlistenable.

Cut Chris Evans.
Paste Tiff Needell.

Without reading the article, sack this piece of shit already.

Can we just remove Chris Evans already? To be honest, I’d much rather watch LeBlanc than Evans anyway. How about Idris Elba instead of Evans?

Just fire Chris Evans ... problem solved.

What 99% of the folks who use this image doesn’t know, is that the banner you see was made by the ship’s public affairs office/media shop for the SHIP’S CREW completing a successful deployment, not Bush’s speech. I’m not going to defend Dubya on Iraq, but in this one instance, proper context is never given. He was

You realize that the mission was indeed accomplished, right? However short sighted and poorly thought out it was - it was still accomplished in a matter of weeks.

Umm... that carrier’s mission was accomplished. The crew put that up.

I’m not sure the banner on the conning tower is being used in the context you expect.

I wrote an essay on perception for an assignment in college. The Mission Accomplished banner was for the carrier he was on. That carrier was on its way back from the Persian Gulf where they participated in OIF. It was more of a job well done bsnner for the crew. It was flipped by the media in order to Bush Bash.


You’re an Idiot, Just let people pass. The roads around here have signs 5 or more vehicles behind you you must pull over. Slow drivers are the cause of more accidents because of people like you who won’t get out of the way.

How many more articles about snow tires does Jalopnik need to post before people realize every car is useless without them during winter? Don’t you know you’ll die a fiery death without snow tires?

Tales from the New Horizons

Go ahead and make the F-35B (STOVL) and maybe the F-35 C (Navy), but cancel the F-35A. The harriers are antiques and the F-18s only have so much service life, we will need to replace them.

“What the shit is this? Waaaay to many miles. Gonna need at least another $100,000 off.”

I am a Muslim, and I dislike that my Prophet is being ridiculed. But that does not justify going on a murderous rampage. Protest if you must, but follow the “rule of the land”.