
You can get a regular bidet for $30 from Amazon. It’s not that expensive unless you are a crazy person like me and spend $400 on a remote control bidet with customizable temperature, two adjustable nozzles, and a heated seat. Also it beeps when you sit on it, which makes me feel like I live in the future. Computer!

Wow. I had no idea they had gotten so cheap. That blue looks awesome

The cheapest SL55 on Chicago craigslist is 17500 with a rebuilt title. Where are you finding 15k SL55's??

Cutler is a trump supporter. So there you go

I’d be happy to redo my math, if you can find accurate numbers on the average length of time it takes Obama and Trump to play a round of golf. One could also argue that since Trump plays a faster round of golf, he would play more rounds.

Fun Fact: Did you know Dwight D. Eisenhower played over 800 rounds of golf?

Yes and North Korea is the Democratic People’s Republic!

Couldn’t he have just driven to the DMV and figured it out in person instead of doing all of this tomfoolery trying to get a phone number? You’d think someone who can just throw away a couple thousand dollars on this would have better things to do.

So instead of focusing on the real issue that Bernie was trying to bring attention to, let’s just photoshop memes on it! Gee, I sure am glad America is going to be so great again.

No one called the police?

I feel like we know his answer though- W220

I fell asleep while watching... :\ I was already bored with Top Gear towards the end. Barely watched it anymore. This was the same thing again with more cheesy stuff.

He was released within a couple months of his signing...


It’s really easy to solve the problem. Simple steps:

Investors who sold when TSLA was flirting with $300 are not waiting for theirs, I’d say. As a former TSLA shareholder and current SCTY shareholder I have no problem with this sale... I think in the long run it will help both companies a lot.

Had to go with the Kings, because I forgot they existed.

There have been discussions to restart the F-22 production line? What? Is there a source on this?

Yup- Centennial Beach

This is going to piss off a lot of people but... a 2014 6 speed 5.0 Mustang. (The solid rear axle one, not the new IRS one, haven’t driven that yet.)

I was looking for a car to replace my E36 M3, and had test driven an FR-S earlier that day. I had driven a V6 Mustang as a rental and thought it was pretty good, so the