
I hope this guy takes it next year

You mention it fitting 4 Bernese Mountain dogs, but I see no proof!!! Our BMD, Coco, will be waiting patiently for this error to be corrected.

The kids these days. 

100%, agreed. The tech to shoot stuff rapidly into space has been around a long time. This is ridiculously complicated, the speed that they are entering the atmosphere is immense and the guidance to just get them falling back towards the right spot is crazy. Much less onto a pad a the SAME FUCKING TIME! Awesome, they

When he decided to sell the car, he should have Cena lawsuit coming.

“Public transit works for dense, gridded cities, which is not a development pattern America excels at”

What a garbage article. Nothing in the included portion of Yamamoto’s statement indicates “a bad high school breakup”. All he really said was that it wasn’t working out with McLaren and that Honda are excited for their new partnership with Torro Rosso. Pretty standard after 2 companies end their partnership.

Minimal talking.