
Again, precautions are all well and good. And many should remain in place until the pandemic is truly dying down. No disagreement there. But as to your hypothetical: It’s really straining plausibility to imagine a scenario where the virus survives on your clothes long enough to infect a third party, rather than the

“...Most crashes are the motorcyclist’s fault...”

You go to any swimming pool in the country and you’ll see women in bikinis. Children will be there and will be able to see women in bikinis. This is simply what the swimming pool is. Same with hot tubs, there just aren’t as many hot tubs as there are swimming pools.

That commentary was fantastic, BOOM!

The police and our justice system REFUSE to hold white people accountable, and shit is only going to get bloodier the longer they hold that line.  The man fucking threatened to shoot people because A) they are black, and B) they didn’t just shut up and take it... that’s a fucking hate crime no matter how you cut it.

Toot also admitted to “attempting to withdraw his firearm form [sic] his waistband as a scare tactic due to [Odubajo] being bigger than him.”

Had the white asshat thrashed around and screamed, “Help, he’s trying to kill me” as the police came around the corner, I suspect it would have ended with the Black dude dead.

PS. Give me pointless stars lol

I really can’t believe how unbelievably stupid these have gotten (and mostly were from the beginning). People trying to one up strangers on the internet for quite literally pointless likes/hearts/stars.

The Montana Valley Apartments manager noted that the complex doesn’t allow cars with rust, dents, flat tires, or bad paint to sit in front of its complex.

These aren’t even “luxury” apartments. Just some normal ass, $900/mo units. Give these people a fucking break.

Where do I even start with this? If you’re trailing someone who is delivering newspapers, it’s going to be pretty obvious that he delivers newspapers. Brother is there six nights a week, yet Sheriff Whitey McBlackgrandson acting like he don’t know? And of course this right here is the capper:

They REFUSED to publish my story about my Miata getting locked to a Supercharger! It’s been there 7 months, still on E. 

When Tesla stops crapping out $hitboxes maybe Jalopnik coverage will be more favorable.

Tesla owner here. FSD is a scam and a sham. Autopilot is barely good enough where I’m okay using it on roads, if and only if I don't mind it randomly flipping shit and giving passengers heart attacks because a road dips before a bridge... 

Meanwhile, in the Jalopnik comments section:

It’s mine! I just forgot where I parked it. Thanks to the authorities for finding it for me after all this time.

Does this mean that if I am having a bad day I can go to Cherokee County and kill some nazi’s to blow off steam? 

He understood the gravity of it.