
One of the advantages of having an EE in the family is getting an understanding of why this system is so much better and worth the effort. My son works on large-scale power systems (think 48,000 HP electric motors) and the ability to control large electrical devices has improved everything from sewage pumps to steel


They need to dig up a girl who I spied rebuilding a 1967 Mustang’s engine in a dorm parking lot...my son was a freshman moving into the dorm and I could not convince him to go after her but he did follow the project. “Not my type” he said but the work was impressive. And yes, she completed it to use as her DD. (Note

So do you think that $50-$60/bbl oil is an accident of the market or just to hurry up the process of spending themselves into a hole?

So many questions!!!

First, let me cast my vote with the “more pictures” comments.

I’d bet on one of two things here. First, this was done on the hurry-up with little time for the niceties of mission security or (my bet) that it was intended to be just hard enough to figure out but not too hard and a way of sending a message outside the mission itself.

I’d recommend seeing a doctor if this is named from personal experience.

I sell things for a living and over 30 years the single most memorable sales call I made was at the Pentagon. It was December of 2001 and they had just finished replacing the huge hole in the side from the 9/11 attack. A couple of things stood out. First, the place is really, really big. Pictures just don’t do it

Yeah, this. Last year my son was moving from one end of the country (NoVA to LA) and his girlfriend’s Scion wasn’t worth the gas it would take to move so they:

For transparency, I own a 2000 E39 M5 but the non-M E39s are also great cars. Lots going for them if you want to do a lot of your own work; any E39 will require maintenance but you’ll have a great aftermarket selection, lots of online support and community and (IMHO) timeless styling. I never get tired of looking at

Now this film was conceptualized in the 1950s, which means Dad here is only about 11 years removed from a day job that probably involved blowing Messerschmitts out of the sky...

Yes, in the end, this. Our favorite family car was a 1995 Acura Integra GSR and even with sub-200 HP this was an absolute hoot to drive through twisty back roads. Putting a buttload of HP through the front and then running it on drag slicks? Might as well get a Challenger.

It’s been a long time since a piece of music has annoyed me as much as this. The ads on tv are bad enough but a three minute version? Sheesh. Get off my lawn!

Former Dept. of Public Health Air Pollution Control state employee here..

Of course its something you just go and do.

I have a $1M umbrella policy for that reason. One of my customers (previous job position) was a very large name-brand insurance company. A perk of that job was that their execs would come over and talk to us about the state of the business every so often. We had on of their underwriters come over for a talk and he

Ditto. I just got a Canon 70D with the wifi connection and this would be the perfect use for that feature.

Hey, "feels like a BMW" lady. I'll take you for a spin and then we'll see.

No, not exactly. This may be just a BMW thing but if you let the car sit for a long time in humid/wet weather the pads will put a high spot on the rotors. I went through this after surgery kept mine in the driveaway for several months. When I could drive again the rotors were "warped" (so sayeth the dealer) but I