
Everyone knows you should never disturb a Mitsubishi cocoon... How dare they do this before it could undergo its final Evolution

“Our pathfinder, with the worst transmission known to man,”

Ever seen Behind Enemy Lines? The badass team leader always wears a track suit.

This is bad.

Black 2012-present Ford Focus (SEL or higher for chrome trim)

I want my click back.

WOW.... Probably didn’t feel like much. Once you’ve seen a CNC water jet mill an aluminum ingot into a 3D object you stop wanting to mess with high pressure water.

Yes. All of this. My Jan 2 birthday kid cost me over $8,000 because he was too lazy to be born on time.

Because they ran out of Headbolts, they tried the oness from the LS and they didn’t want to go through that again

This is in a rest stop in Wyoming.

Nice try, Paul.

Gloves? He must be a Proctologist, and his license plate probably reads “ASSMAN.”

She was a teen in Atlantic City? You can hit a soft 17 there, you know

I saw a BMW with its turn signal on once.

At least she didn’t want to name the baby Pocamyhontas.

You could at least provide a picture! ;-)

These are not the 72 virgins they were expecting.

For $1,000 you can have a truck that you knead to drive.

Let’s face it. This car was and would be nothing without that engine.

“my sister just proved to me that gluten free pancakes can be delicious”