
Yea there are a few companies that make adapter bell housings for swapping in different trannys for around $400. Great thing about swapping it into an old car is I never have to go to emissions.

Nice! I am swapping one in my 76 Celica next summer. What tranny did you use? I was looking at the 350z 6 speed but they are more expensive than the engine.

lol I have done this too. It was on a friends car. First time went ok. Found out his side had pinched and was leaking oil so he did it again. Still leaked. Third time was a charm.


I’ve done quite a bit of mechanical work. From engine swaps to installing superchargers. But by far the craziest and most time consuming was body work restoration I recently did.

Should have played the Vader theme. Would have been more fitting IMO.

There are quite a few self publishing sites one could use to get copies printed. A number of them have no minimum and only print when someone orders a copy.

Best driving gloves = football receiver gloves. Gives you super control of the wheel.

I find what most people get wrong is that I only enjoy cars. I have many hobbies and interests. Cars is a big one but it is no where near the only one.

My daily driver is an E36 M3. It’s been a great car in the 8 years I have had it. A few reliability issues were done in the beginning (cooling system) but other than that it has been rewarding and fun owning one.

A dried Shitake mushroom about 3” in diameter under the seat. Also a glass cup with what looked to be cereal and milk at one point.

Yea but a Tesla can’t blow out your ear drums with thousands of america explosions per minute while screaming bald eagles circle above your head while sky writing “Fuck Yea ‘Merica”

No mention of Akio Toyoda. Without him we wouldn’t have the FRS or the corporate awareness that many people want small sporty cars

If I know my ex’s, it’s an expensive one of the exotic type. Or at the very least one that I don’t have to work on.

Probably lost all the forward gears. I mean it is an Audi after all.

Well you could get a ticket for operating a vehicle in an unsafe manner, at least in my state. But I doubt any officer would write you a ticket for wanting to drive it to another shop and it’s also not the shops responsibility to prevent you from driving the car away. I always tell people to get second opinions when

lol I drive an M3 and I take pride in my parking skills. I always back in and 99% of the time find a spot on the end or secluded from others, but only if the spots are relatively small. Never have I once taken two spots or handicap even if I just run in to grab something. This guy is an idiot.

I see your character skipped leg day. Never skip leg day.

Ooohhh I wanna come!!! Here’s my 76’ Celica.