
The majority of June is in Spring.


I want it, I need it: I present an Oxford Green II E46 M3. I'm going to try to find one with a manual over the next few years.

That could be one of the most irrelevant justifications for being underwhelmed by a car.

I only saw you repeatedly state how crass he was being, but unless posting an issue like this publicly is crass in your eyes, I don't see it.

I fail to see any of the crassness or immaturity that you speak of in his posts [Edit: I now see the "I wanna cry thing," that's quite immature]. He's trying to find a solution that's amenable to both parties and BMW isn't being entirely compliant (OP is also being quite anal about things, but I think that is his

There's absolutely no way that they have a perpetual calendar automatic for $500. It's quite the complication.

"Swiss Made" is fairly meaningless according to Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_Made#.22The_use_of_the_name_Swiss_on_watches.22). From my interpretation, only 51% of the value of the watch has to be Swiss to get the branding. Because movements are expensive, a watch could only have a movement from

Steinhart is a German company that uses Swiss ETA movements in a bunch of watches under $500. I have an Ocean 1 Vintage Red and it's gorgeous. They have to have a few watches that have glass backs to them as well.

God I love Panerais. One day soon I will get my hands on one.

The Blue Angels at Seafair is definitely a sight to see. Being on the water with thousands of other boaters with an airshow overhead is pretty awesome. Hopefully they'll be back next year.

Let me guess, you also believe in misandry.

What browser are you using? Chrome or Firefox should allow you to.

Right-click, then save as? That should be all that you need.

I spy an Audi steering wheel.

Since '06, inflation in the US has averaged out to 2.15% a year, which isn't bad. The fact that wages haven't risen is much more of a problem than that.

In real terms, the game got cheaper. You can't just compare nominal amounts from different years and say that's that.

The amount of goods that you could purchase with $60 in 1908 was much, much greater than what you can buy with $60 now (goods were much cheaper).

Honestly I thought that this commercial was going to be something regarding a Corn subsidy.