
Also, strangely, this sounds like the kind of thing you could invite a girl to. It's pretty, in a really really beautiful location and does not involve football.

Funny, washing is one of my favorite things about having a car!

New Camry advertising tag line: “The new 2017 Toyota Camry: no matter which one you choose, apathy comes standard!”

I wanted to give it a chance, and I kind of thought it was okay, but after writing this, I realize just how bad it really is.

In this deleted scene from the 1966 movie classic “Batman,” the Joker’s henchmen engage in a tug-of-war battle with the Dynamic Duo.

I think it would be fun to hear about a Barrett Jackson auction purchase, it’s coming up in January in Scottsdale. He could go in with a top 3-5 list. Here’s my top 3 of the few I’ve looked at so far:

First generation Viper. It would be interesting to hear about something that could kill you and it would give you enough room to find a second car. Like the Hummer/GT-R.