Master Chiefzilla Comes With Built-In Spartan Laser
<i>Cuphead:</i> The <i>Kotaku</i> Review

Cuphead turns players into perfectionists. The long-awaited hand-drawn action game is full of cartoony boss battles

We’re going live with some giant robot action in Gundam Versus right now on Twitch. Fly, Gundam!

I guess there’s just a vas deferens in our levels of humor.

Describing how Twitch can take technical lessons from the porn industry just reaffirms that the porn industry is always, always at the forefront of technology. No exceptions.

One day in, the SNES Classic at Nintendo’s PAX booth remains safe and secure. The controllers and information card have switched places since yesterday, however, indicating that someone opened the case and rearranged its contents. We will continue to keep you posted on this situation as it develops.

I mean, I’ve had XBL since it launched in 2002 and I can count the number of times I wanted to play but couldn’t on one hand. Never had any issues. Halo 2 played just fine through Standbye era, played 4 player co-op over XBL the night Halo 3 released, Battlefield 2: MC with 24 players back in 2005, pretty much any Day