Pop quiz: does the name “PlayOnline” make your blood boil, or at least cause one of your eyes to start twitching?…
Pop quiz: does the name “PlayOnline” make your blood boil, or at least cause one of your eyes to start twitching?…
From the very first days of its home console business, Nintendo has given its box art a trademark standard, a border…
The sixteen gigantic creatures in Shadow of the Colossus are some of the most memorable enemies in all of video…
I was about 12 when I’d decided I was going to be a Paleontologist (I’m not, btw, but that’s not the point.)
I had no idea Splatoon was hiding all that behind amiibos; I definitely don’t think thats good for anyone. I’m not a fan of the “bad” DLC we’ve seen lately but if Nintendo is going to go this route with amiibo anyway they should at least offer the option of having extra content as regular DLC as well for those that…
This is why I feel that Amiibos are the single worst form of DLC in existence. To wit-
Yes, that’s exactly the problem I have with Amiibo figures. I don’t have an issue with them being physical DLC. I have an issue with certain ones being very hard to find unless you have the inclination and the money to deal with a scalper. Regular DLC is easily available to all Nintendo console owners because it’s…
“We’ve come too far to give up who we are.” Most of the time I was driving the Alfa Romeo 4C, I was listening to…
Warning: This anime might just make you cry.
I can’t fully blame them, but this just seems like yet another classic case where folks are saying “HERE NINTENDO TAKE OUR MONEY” and Nintendo is like “meh, effort”. I can’t say how much the port workers strike impacted them, but it’s still very clear that some figurines are being scalped at ludicrous rates.
When I found out that my abusive ex-husband was also a cheating then-current-husband, I kicked his ass out. In August. In Georgia. In 100 degree weather. After screaming at ex with such ferocity that even The World’s Most Docile Dog was growling at me, I threw ex out and locked the door. I could hear him calling…
Discovered my wife of four months (9 years together) was cheating on me. Proceeded to hook up with half of the city I was living in, attended sex parties, got horrifically drunk and then moved to Australia where I divorced her remotely while working on a sheep station with only 3 people within 300 miles to talk to.
Someone else’s post unearthed this repressed memory: I was talking to an acquaintance who let slip that my ex had cheated on me fairly regularly. We’d been broken up for several months but he had outstanding warrants, so I called the county sheriff’s department with his location.
After 14 years of marriage, I discovered that he was cheating on me with someone who pretended to be my friend.
After breaking up with my boyfriend at the age of 20, I hitchhiked to Berkley and backup up to Seattle. It was a two week trip, with literally no money, and nothing more than the clothes on my back.
I was seventeen years old and madly in love with my boyfriend, the effortlessly cool punk guy with an amazing body. He broke up with me by having his best female friend tell me. I am now both embarrassed by the things I did after and sort of proud:
Step 1: Cut off half my hair and dyed it bright purple at the suggestion of the cute boy in physics with whom I was now free to make out at will (a delightful fact I promptly took non-monogamous advantage of).
Step 2: Put on 20 pounds of muscle doing gymnastics and ballet, earning an ass that got me proposed to weekly…
Ah, yes. Game Stop stories.