Nathan Sieg

“But then he faced the opposite problem: the movie would have to try and explain the Bay-Transformers timeline to audiences to cover why Megatron was there in the first place”

Yes...the 7800!!! I also bought Mario 3 this way.

Captive Honor baby!

Same year for me...Huntsville, AL though.

Oh man I do!! The way it says Siri...siiirriii...perfect

I don’t know if expecting more productivity b/c of a change in commute behavior is warranted from an employer. The commuter still isn’t on the clock, whether they’re driving or not. That’s like saying people who take public transit are expected to do more work.

Loved the story about the Mustang 65 vs. 67 mystery. I mean....a 65 and a 67 are very different looking cars...soooo...what was that guy’s deal??? I could see someone arguing over a 65 vs. 66.....but a 67? People...smh.

So much this

35 for 120+ channels??? Oh man that’s a steal. It’s 70 bucks for that now

Lost me at 250-300 bucks

Read on a news outlet that she comes prepared with toilet paper...so yea..not a case of the morning rumbles. Such a bizarre story.

Geddy Lee

He was crushing it

Claymore and Vampire Hunter D. Two great options with good story and great animation. My wife even likes these two and she hates anime.


Here’s the main concern (sorry if someone’s already said this but there are a TON of comments so I’m not drudging through all that!!) if that small amount of debris that hit the top of the other building was enough to annihilate it then man, i think I’d be glad. It was yet but a brisk breeze away from falling on it’s

LOVE 3-2-1!

Cricket....65 smackers unlimited everything.