I really hope this isn’t what you scream during sex!
I really hope this isn’t what you scream during sex!
What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Don’t show this to Penn he might pick a fight with his computer and break his winning streak.
The proportions are spot on.
One eats fast food to dull the pain and beseech death hither.
How many eggs per mile does it get?
This is defamation agains bear assholes!
Thanks for the confirmation of your giant porn collection.
I went to the 2015 Game 1...it was cray. Best game I’ve ever seen.
Jay Z throw your hat in the ring...I heard Kaepernick has a great arm and is a free agent.
You just jelly because his amassing tops your manga porn collection.
If I wanted to watch social masturbation I would go to porn hub.
By cooler she means piece of shit.
There is a lot of shit we don’t know...I played D1 soccer and a player assaulted and officer while drunk driving and the coach yelled at the entire team (because you know, it’s our fault for not being the dude daddy and watching him every second). We were berated for 2 hours and the whole thing boiled down to...if you…
That was an oddly specific post.
That’s exactly what a bot would say.
What do you expect playing 70 games in a season...it’s not special any more.