
You’re right...Sexism is one of the toughest competitors.

both parties seem to want to get paid the same”...weird how the men want to be equal when they are far less superior in relation to where the women are internationally. I think they see where this is going and don’t want the script to flip completely. Although it should.

Hummm celebrity sports parents are horrible children sports parents...go figure.

Ben Carson isn’t a genius he is a doctor that didn’t know what the f he was doing and experimented on kids.

The 2019 World Cup winners will split $4 million...

The women got a higher % of revenue off the WC than the men did because the fucking men didn’t even qualify.

They didn’t even clean the god damn windshield! 

Does it vibrate when you sit on its face? Asking for a friend.

It’s a before and after meth photo.

It’s called the iVote and it has 2MB of memory, the core processor is a hamster named Intel running on a wheel and has no artificial or genuine intelligence...and it is only $2000.

Rippled chips are real sliced potatoes not mashed and reconstituted...the blade is just wavy.

If someone making a $250,000 salary is doing this just think of all the shady shit the millionaires are doing to keep their money from fleeing their grip.

Let’s not just talk about it!

The Bozo Booze Cruise from Carnival...Starting at only $20 a night. Airfare and clown car to the boat are not included.

I’d prefer you shut the fuck up.

Does she open all bottles like that...because gonorrhea doesn’t not pair well with contact solution.

$200 in and 5 hours of recording and...BOOM! You get spontaneity! Congratulations on your 5 cent toy that your dog is going to barf up later.

you forgot to add your biblical citation...

Your #1 is prime!

He is a GasTrick