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    It was pretty bloody obvious, there’s no way graffiti that neat wasn’t done by someone who’d had plenty of practice.

    All I took away from the stunt was how little taste the owner of the Range Rover must have had to stick that crap bodykit on it.

    Christ, it’s only a car, not some kind of holy relic. It’s not even like it’s a rare Ferrari, let them have some fun with it. If there was no custom scene, there’d be no real car scene, it’d just be people wandering around car parks looking at standard cars. Like Soundman98,I applaud different as well.

    That is a thing of glorious beauty. I just wish there was a decent UK version.

    Whilst I’m sure there are a few notable non-morons (probably in Miatas) that do Gumball, none of the coverage ever features them, so all you ever see is a cavalcade of cunts in stickered-up twatmobiles driving like imbeciles, so as far as I’m concerned Harris is spot on.

    Bumbag-B just reinforces that opinion, and Josh

    Excellent, hopefully I can block any reference to the word ‘Porsche’ on it. Also ideally, any car made after about 1985.

    I’m probably just going to end up reading James May’s column, aren’t I...

    Soldiers’ asses are cheaper than bucket seats.

    Serious questions, as all I know about NASCAR is what I’ve learned from crash compilations on Youtube:

    I think they’re more scared of the bullets, tbh.

    To be fair, I only wanted to go because it sounds a bit like Wu Tang.

    However, the in-service wifi would be shit, and there’s a good chance you’d ‘disappear’ halfway through the trip if you searched for ‘Things to do in Tiananmen Square’.

    It’s all well and good until it rains and the ensuing leak destroys the ECU.

    Nope, it’s actually like that. Great little fun car, ruined by a shitty early flappy paddle ‘box.

    Ah, third world shithole corruption. Now that, I don't miss.

    I take it you're staying in Wuhan? Round trip is a month ;)

    Yeah, but imagine a fortnight of French food. They’d probably have to use pry-bars to fit me though the doors at Wuhan.

    I just like the idea of sitting on a single train and not having to get off to go nearly a third of the way around the planet. Far more evocative than just a bunch of connected train journeys.

    Now, ask them to draw an oval and they’re fucking perfect...

    If it was run by the French, it’d be great. The Chinese, maybe not so much.

    Damn, I was hoping it carried passengers. I'd quite enjoy a month on a train for a day trip to Wuhan.

    C’mon, let’s hear it for us plucky Brits: