e pluribus anustart

I still haven’t watched this episode. No spoilers please.

“It’s the most narcissistic thing in the world,” he said. “Hating
yourself and worshiping yourself are the exact same thing.”


Whoa, scary how close these are to my personal Community: "Advanced Introduction To Finality" comments section rankings.

Eh, most of them are still longer than 4-letters.

Well…I don't think anyone here is really expecting him to throw F-bombs all over the place.

Sea Tyrannosaurus Rex

But…how else could you so succinctly describe something that's "Heroic and impressive in quality"?

Well, her purpose was pretty much revealed and fulfilled in the Name of The Doctor. Can't go to that well again.

Eccleston in Hurt's role would've been awesome, but I'm not convinced Moffat wrote this special it with him in mind.

That's what makes the end of the episode perfect. It gives the Doctor, who's been shit on for 400 years, some renewed hope and purpose and sets up Season 9 pretty nicely.

Some thoughts:

Not sure if it's the same issue as yours, but I can't log into my AV Club account and if I try everything fucks up.

Was it really because of the grudge? He could just have been busy.

Just watched it. Some pretty great cameos (including Gandalf!), but even though it was only for a moment, I thought it was a bit strange that John Barrowman played himself as a straight man with a family.

Oh right, it's a link. I can tell because it's about 1/10 shade darker than normal text color.

I don't know if anyone's noticed this, but the DISQUS history in the user profile can't seem to differentiate between likes and dislikes.

I think the design is aesthetically more pleasing, but it basically takes away ALL of the functionality: No Community grading, no most commented/read lists, notifications seem down, no following of TV shows…
