
That's so funny the last time I heard it I laughed so hard I fell off my dinosaur.

Hah, if he had turned it on and done a hero pose while standing on it I would have to give him some credit.

This isn't the 1st of april...

I think I'm in love....

Absolutely, it's both fascinating and depressing. Also sad that there is nothing in this region built in the last 40 years that has anywhere near the character of the buildings and style used during Detroit's heyday. Glass boxes just don't have near the same impression that stone and brick do.

Meh, the veteran part is irrelevant. This is just the outcome of deranged v roids. Admiral Misplaced Malcontents run aground on the island of Roid Rage, and idiocy ensued. There are no heroes in the story, only actors whose life experiences have failed them somehow.

While all of the above is partially true, it certainly wasn't without provocation. They had been empire building and being pretty extraordinarily ruthless while doing so. They were threatening some of our allies, as such we had stopped selling them the materials that would allow them to continue their war machine.

Wherefore art thou taste?

Getting close would require enormous advances in avionics, missile technology, military networks, and stealth. This shows that they read books about radar avoidance and have a passing understanding of a flying wing, but have yet to master the controls necessary to make a true flying wing.

Honestly, it's pretty much the exact same thing as having sex with a girl without asking.

On the grille they do. (IS that a down homey enough retort for you?!)

Taking/using a product without paying for it and without the companies consent? Sounds like stealing...

It's still stealing, I have been guilty of this before, but I've changed my ways. Plus it's good to think that you are supporting the people who spent years of their lives developing that game, or the skills to become proficient with an instrument and make music, etc. If you aren't even decent enough to buy the

What are they having issues with now? Ever since they switched from the Fsi to the Tsi in the GTI, I thought they were doing mucho better. eye.

Excellent, my only wish is that you could have worked a 9/11 conspiracy or circumcision is mutilation angle in there.

I believe the CTS was meant to be a 5 series competitor. (Fullsize v midsize)

It's not a question of detection in this case, it's a question of jamming the route guidance, you would hope these things would default into an auto-pilot back to base thing, but maybe not. It's easier to hide the plane than it is the signal being beamed to/ from it.

Give us the coordinates man!

It was anticipated that it would have to ford most rivers as it's weight would destroy any bridges (and roads for that matter) which it's gerthiness crossed.

The problem is the underneath, because of how low they mounted the engine.