
Which is in a hollywood apocalypse movie. Creative, yes, but I don't see programming these things with feelings anytime soon.

Unless you put the wrong info on each, it directly contradicts your point. Please re-read.

Not that far actually. They are completely capable of acting on pre-programmed missions, and even reacting to mid-mission threats. The current hurdle is ethical and legal in nature. I would be surprised if there aren't fully autonomous war vehicles within the decade.

Unfortunately the cheapening of war is inevitable, because the ultimate goal of armed conflict is to inflict more damage on the other party than is inflicted on you. Yes, there are definite ethical considerations for this, but it doesn't change the fact that the winner in wars moving forward will be more and more

How about no more contracts to LM until they/and the gov't figure out how to keep projects from costing 2-3x the quoted price.

This story is interesting in that you can see the projections so many people put on him. To some he is a hero who fought the big bad gov't and revealed their darkest secrets, to others he is a terrible and dark traitor deserving of death. Really more revealing about the individuals who project their beliefs on him,

Ya have to protect IP, otherwise you lose claim to it. Not sure if that is accurate with TV characters though....

The lead image for the morning shift was of Michael Weston, they must have gotten a call from USA because that got pulled down and replaced with the current photo.

2nd: When you're a corporate hatchet consultant, you often find yourself thrown into situations where the ones who are requesting your consultation are those most deserving the hatchet. Now that leaves you in a precarious position, you can either choose to bite the hand that feeds you and guarantee a blacklisting, or

Hold me back bro! HOLD ME BACK!

You kidding? You probably get your eyebrows waxed, and wear enough hair gel that your hair could be misidentified as a national monument. You do drink muscle milk and drive though, huh? Sure you aren't hitting the quasi-legal supplements too?

Right on brah. maybe you could get back to driving intelligently after you finish your muscle milk and stop rooting around for those wicked thick rim sunglasses your parents bought you last week that look so totally dope on you.

If you love sexism so much, why don't you marry it then beat it into subservience? I hope every single lane of your commute is filled with escalades driving 5 under the limit. Your anger will destroy you and everything you care about. :)

I can't go to sleep while driving, they haven't made self-driving cars yet... But they are working on it! (see the story this is posted in!)

Bitch, I ain't no squirrel.

Yea, because other people who do stupid stuff while driving gives you the right to drive to work like you're on leguna seca.

Well crafted, I think your troll-fu might just be perfected.... indeed, carry on.

As a BMW driver (I prefer the term Captain)..... I find this comical. I can enjoy a good ribbing from the peasants on occasion, now move your conastoga wagons aside, I need to get to my tee time.

Calm down francis. It's a stereotype, which anyone with a modicum of a sense of humor can graciously laugh at. This from a BMW driver.

That's not just the body, that's the front left wheel still in it's place up there... holy crap... once again the tree proves it's structural superiority to cars, with equally common tragic results.