
Difference is, water vapor goes from a gas to a liquid, a full state change, and that is a drastic drop in volume occupied.

Say what you like, but you can thank that there agency for the fact that you can swim in the lower great lakes now, there isn't lead based paint available, and bald eagles weren't all killed off on this continent.

What do you mean by this statement, we don't know how magnets work? Or gravity?

This has been a bad couple months for air shows. My brother got to witness the wing walker guy fall at selfridge a couple months back.

::obligatory:: (Nibble'd, obama not bad face)

A stock photo for use to describe what someone actually killing someone might look like.

wow, love the eulogies in here. Eds should send the good ones to Ford!

Drove one from Norfolk to Avon in the OBX with 3 other people. Got 28mpg (yep, you read that right), had a squishy comfortable ride, and plenty of leg room. It wasn't a sports car, it turned with the eagerness of a right whale, and accelerated with the gumption of a fat kid in gym class who spent all summer playing

I disagree with a quarter of your choices, but I'll defend to the death your right to be wrong.

... Can I be the first with the hubris to state any vehicle built in NA can be labelled an American car? I mean, come on, it's pretty much our continent.

Wha... who the HELL was the targeted demographic?!


That's it. They knew how to make completely. They never built things incompletely apparently.


You wouldn't have to worry about the MS3's incredible propensity to explode though, so there's that. The MS3 is something that looks good on paper, but having spent the better of three months researching hot hatches, and asking local repairmen about reliability, mazdas apparently spend an inordinate amount of time

Good list, from a living room/garage, to immaculate showrooms. Not bad.

Hmm, probably didn't hit any sensors. Meese have a tendency to end up in laps, that you didn't get moose mashed is probably a positive for the hyundai.

Just need to choose the right major. Higher education isn't actually higher education if you study pottery psychology.

I wonder if there would have been ways for her to damage the airliners control surfaces without sacrificing herself, or the fighter for that matter.