Dziki John

Yet if you get called a fucking name you’ll go ape shit? Don’t see a fucking contradiction? Which makes this whole story a fucking joke.

SO are you more of a racist or a sexist then?

A virgin is a terrible thing to waste. Except that you would be ok.

Since when are they about politics?

Or conservative to anywhere in the media or news.

But she’s a political racist shit weasel. Who’s talking on camera on things outside her job.

What was it like Dad when Obama was President? Syria used chemical weapons and he did nothing and North Korea built the Bomb and he did nothing.

Carry a gun with reloads.

I just saw a British version of Cops called Police Interceptors about road crime. A guy was arrested for having an offensive weapon in his car. It was a golf club. That is where nutters will have us headed to. There is no right to self defense in the UK. You can expect to be arrested for injuring someone who invades

Idiot don’t you read the news from Europe those events are happening all the time. Just the same weekend the was a Muslim mass stabbing, and did you forget the Manchester Concert bombing? And there were too many truck attacks to count last year.

Your comment is stupid. There was a computer executive that was forced out of a silicon valley company a few years ago because he gave money to a group against gay marriage. It seems only liberals have this protection as seen in Evergreen College.

I go to a VA for treatment all the time. See a lot of vets without knees. Fuck these overpaid crybabies.

I always slow roast mine. That was I can enjoy their screams.

My Joule app has a program for Octopus.

Not meatballs. Just watched a video. He vacuum sealed them and they came out in weird shapes.

Fucked Kylie Jenner....

Never...I love browsing my Amazon page. It knows what I like better than my family.

Dream on commie boy. Move to Venezuela see it in action. Count the dead from commies like you. Read about the Pareto effect. Of course wealth concentrates. That’s because the economy is just. Money goes to the best preformers just like the best teams in sports seem to win all the time.

Wow you sound like a terrible loser. “External Factors” you got that from Hillary’s new book didn’t you?

Ok...but why is it wrong to have a lot of tabs? You seem to have forgotten to explain that. Oh and I have that thingee on chrome that shuts down pages I am not using at the time. So wtf is the problem.