Tell that to Genghis Khan.
Tell that to Genghis Khan.
Aren’t there other hacks about making cheap booze taste better? Like charcoal filtering vodka?
Have to ask, Why? I don’t drink.
Big hack is to put bowl with cream into another bowl that is filled with ice. Comes out quicker and better.
I bough my iphone at Costco. The clerk handed me a 6 not a 6+. Neither the phone rep or I noticed it till after we activated it. So it went back to factory and got sold as refurbished.
I was on the CVN72 back in 1990 when they did this and was on the fantail. It was cooler than you can imagine. The waves were like 30 feet high.
What you forgot is that none of those 120,000 Americans should have died. We went into WW1 based on French and British lies and propaganda. If you don’t agree please give a reason stronger than why we went into Iraq, either time.
No pizza no life.
Les Aspin was such a jerk.
During WW2 whole battalions of US artillery used captured German guns to save transport space because we had so much of it.
HMS Harry Potter is sailing right behind her.
You are a total idiot. You don’t know what half life means do you? And you can’t do basic maths.
I just won the naturally more relatives start poping up...
Worse mistake ever was taking ground support aviation away from Army. That is why we have A10 fight.
Wrong. The Army has a lot of fixed wing aircraft. But just about a hundred. Transport and some recon.
Too much work. Look up Ruth Stout method. All you have to do is use a deep bed of hay as a mulch.
I know in Alaska/Northern California they deliver fuel using C-47s and C-46s.
Thwak...that is the sound of a pampered Marine Corp boot up your ......
NeutronStar73 — Let’s start with how you are really stupid. You say they look childish yet you are the one with a goofy comic book name. Was Starlord73 taken? Did you ever think that maybe they would have to be in a rural area where camo would be an advantage?
I want another Stargate series. Send a team back in time to WW2 fight Nazis and all the old System Lords.