Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

UPDATE: Bryce Harper has signed with the Golden State Warriors.

I see, by your utter lack of understanding about how liability works, that you are not an attorney.

Her name is Grimes, by the way.

So you think her friends drowned her?  Or that someone followed them onto the beach and held her under, and now her friends are lying about it?  People get caught in undertows.

Plus, why would you want to see your star shortstop injure himself jumping into the crowd after making a routine catch in fair territory?

I turned down seats to a Bills playoff game so I could earn some cash babysitting. I thought it was a great decision, considering it wasn’t going to be televised, and the Oilers were up 35-3 at the start of the third quarter.

I’m a go ahead and throw this spicy take out there:  It’s not about the anthem and everybody knows it.

I believe him. It’s kind of like this girl who’s really interested in me but I just don’t want to date right now. She’s a model. You guys wouldn’t know her though, she lives in Canada.

Dwight is one of those people I hope plays for a long time, and then continues to play internationally. But only because I dread the thought of him as a commentator.

Harbaugh also refuses to eat cauliflower calling it, “fake ass broccoli.” Potatoes for being, “soft rocks.” And tuna for being, “A fat, dumb salmon.”

In my experience the #1 thing you could hear that wil foreshadow a massive ass whooping is pure silence. If someone keeps yelling shit like.. what’s up ? What’s up? You wanna do this? This person does not actually want to fight you. If your opponent is just dead silent, you need to gtfo of there ASAP bc this person is

They’re normal pants. Move on, find a new slant.

A lot of people have weird hangups about food. Cut the man some slacks.


I now understand why you’re the former packing manager.

You’re blaming the victim not the shooters that decided revenge was worth 3 dead and 7 injured?! What the fuck is wrong with you!

Yeah, but Chris, what was Chase Utley wearing today? Did he have two buttons undone on his shirt? Did he wear his socks respectfully pulled up? Did he or any Dodger at any point... I hesitate to even ask... wear a hat backwards?

If baseball sucks now, then it is because baseball is fundamentally broken, because the most efficient way to win games is the most boring.

A cranky old-timer complaining about the modern game? What are the odds?

And trim those sideburns, Mattingly!