Jacki Dziekanowski's Smoker's Cough

Fold, don’t wad. You can get away with two squares this way with halfway decent TP.

Per Fangraphs, Carlton Fisk was worth 108.9 offensive RAR through age 30.

Don’t forget that it’s great for typing out self-righteous Kinja!

I basically forgot about him. I am looking forward to his increased exposure, as anytime I hear his name, it sounds like “Sir Chewbacca”

That’s what you get for naming your team after a guy with HIV.

Why is a $3K computer necessary to do that? Also, is it your personal computer, or one issued by work? Also, software costs don’t count. That’s like factoring gas into the value of your car.

Owning a $3k computer is excessive.

To the average American having $2m worth of jewelry might be excessive but to much of the world owning a $3k computer is also excessive.

Hamilton envies people who can afford $2m worth of jewelry, and he ascribes independent moral significance to his emotions.

I don’t know.

I’m waiting to hear what the issue is with having $2m worth of jewelry.

Nope, still just unfortunate.

I hope somebody is there to remind the burglars of the mess they left when they went away.

So what you’re saying is Mrs. Ancona is single?

Sorry, jabronis, but I’m calling this now: Cavs are gonna destroy the Warriors in the Finals this year. And you can take that to the bank.

Have you seen a typical 50-something suburban white dude’s Facebook feed?

Don’t forget that Petraeus was actually convicted of doing what Hillary Clinton was merely accused of doing.

Top figures resigning 3wks out? I knew that a Trump administration would be a colossal fuckup but this? It’s as if Trump and co are going for as many scandals as possible to show how anti-Obama they are. I’m honestly a little impressed over how awful they are at this.

If Gen. Petraeus is selected as the new national security adviser, he will have to notify his probation officer within 72 hours.

Did I just watch a video of a YouTube video? What is this witchcraft?