
No, but, this is good, see... because Wolverine and Darth Vader can star in a movie with the Pillsbury Doughboy now. 

Everyone who vapes is a piece of shit. Prove me wrong.

If your dick is pizza shaped, see a doctor.

They will miss your single sale um sure. Ill be sure to buy multiple copies from them to compensate

If it weren’t funny in some form, it wouldn’t have become a meme in the first place. Especially coming off of the loons claiming to be wolves with xe/xer pronouns. Genuinely unfunny things get ignored and forgotten. You not seeing the humor doesn’t mean no one else sees the humor.

Oh no... A subset of a subset of people has been offended but in no real way affected by a joke. My heart goes out to them.
I hope deleting the tweet was enough, and pray they recover swiftly.

You know that black people aren’t, like, magically different, right? You can just make any character black. Or gay. Or literally anything else. Thinking you have to write some special story for them is simply not true. 

Obligatory “This is why we can’t have nice things.”

You and me both. I like the new look and I'm glad Pokemon took the leap into 3D but there's something about the classic sprite look. It'll always have a place in my heart.

Bah... I can't see the 3D from this angle...

Now playing

Boosters? Rocket Dog don't need no boosters....

Hahaha considering they have last gen hardware and online infrastructure, I'm not surprise Nintendo's mindset is a decade behind everyone.

"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."

I'm pretty bummed they decided to double charge like MS, make you pay to buy the the multiplayer game, then pay again to play it. I'm still dumbfounded that Nintendo is the only one getting this right this gen. But I'm glad to see voice chat isn't barricaded behind a pay wall, or unbelievably, Netflix. Hopefully MS

Look, I'm a seven-year Kotaku veteran: a shameless Crecente supporter and a living memorial to every broken webpage redesign, commenting system malfunction, and inane papercraft post that this website has ever unleashed on its undeserving readership. But like a true masochist, I always come back for more. I just can't

technology is getting smarter, unfortunately most parents don't.