
Now, when we say ‘Dab’ and ‘Dabbed’, do we mean some sort of fucked up terrible dance move, or do we mean hitting a pen stocked with weed oil/hash?

Is it the second? Please tell me it’s the second.

EDIT: I finally caved and watched the video.
What in the actual fuck?
Is this what being old feels like? :(

*hits dab

There is a very strong part of me that wants to become this guys friend. Get in the “inner inner” circle of his army. Become a general. A very respected and important member.

ME: tolerance and peace is the best way to go through life. we shouldn’t infringe on somebody who’s just doing what they want
ALSO ME: we should destroy every teen

Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.

And then he dabbed.

By my estimation, the train arrives at 4:03 PM.

Am I doing this right?

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that “speeds approaching 100 mph” are a lot less dangerous than literally flying down the wrong side of the freeway to chase them down. Just incredible.

From the news article:

Ah yes, the Acura TL Type-Stability. Very well balanced car and such joy to put on the edge.

“This is what happens when boys grow up watching Fast and the Furious movies and playing Tony Hawk.”


W.C. Fields or H.L. Mencken or Mark Twain (or Will Rogers, so probably just anonymous) once said “If at first you don’t succeed, try again. Then quit. Because there’s no sense in doing the same damn fool thing over and over when it doesn’t work.”

Electric cars are the future of the past. The future of the future is wind-up cars, powered by giant clock springs built into the undercarriage of the car. Instead of taking several hours to charge your battery, it takes a matter of minutes to wind the spring with a large electric motor.

How have I never heard of gravel express. That is awesome sauce all over my face

You’re forgetting the best part: this thing would have heritage and access to the best car name of all time!

Yup, you need to make a trip to Oregon, everyone here “needs” AWD for the 8 months of rain and for their “active lifestyles” Subaru sell for a premium

Subaru made this car, it was called the Outback XT. There aren’t very many of them and even fewer came equipped in a manual. The used market for them is insane.

One word:

Now playing

Softroaders are sufficient for plenty of guys and gals in our club!