Only a Sith deals in extremes.......
Only a Sith deals in extremes.......
You obviously don’t understand how far this government conspiracy goes, Scully.
Everyone: Cancer sucks! We need to find a way to prevent it.
Fixed it for you:
Meanwhile, a 30-something couple-he an actuarial, she an Office Depot manager-drove by in their 2015 Toyota Camry. Never exceeding the speed limit by anything that would garner attention they arrived at their unremarkable house without drama a half-hour later.
I get it, and I’d never implore someone to buy a boring car, but I don’t think any $50,000-$90,000 new luxury car has any business being this problematic in 2017. Especially when the bar is higher because everyone in this country remembers your “comeback brand” as being a piece of shit!
They ARE self serving pieces of shit. They used their campaign contributions as bribes to cajole to the highest bidders - in this case the Ford, GM, and Chrysler. They have shown what they are, and deserve all of the hate mail that they’re getting. Every one of them should be escorted OUT of their offices in…
You only circle a block on the way home? You mad man! They’ve become knowledgeable of this tactic, I drive around various neighborhoods and stop in random people’s driveways, before eventually going home.
Meanwhile, a 30-something couple-he an actuarial, she an Office Depot manager-drove by in their 2015 Toyota Camry. Never exceeding the speed limit by anything that would garner attention they arrived at their unremarkable house without drama a half-hour later.
So go buy a Camry and die of beige.
Had it been a Volvo she could simply driven back upstairs
Did.. did you skip the article to comment this?
The IIHS will soon incorporate the parking garage drop test.
The all-new BMW 4-series, now with ActiveParkour™ technology. Dope-ass front flips are just the beginning.
Don’t forget to get a PO box to use as your address. Also use a disguise when you appear in person, and pay only in small bills. When you leave, circle a block on the way home to check if you are being followed.
It’s a testament to safety standards that this convertible fell seven stories and not only was the driver not killed instantly, but the car looks like it’s simply been in a front end collison. Amazing. I hope the driver is ok.
The thing with a ton of ads and videos, that cause my mobile browser to crash, between the headline and comment section.
For online shopping, this is an awesome idea. Impulse buying and extended times to return clothing like *cough* nordstrom *cough* have ruined shopping for some retailers on the other end. I run a small boutique (I know slightly different) and you would be shocked how many people get upset we don’t do returns, at all.…
Finally, goddamn. The only shame is that it was cancelled over a dispute, and not because someone had a come-to-jesus moment and realized this entire premise is deeply fucked up.