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    I can definitely attest to the power of this exercise. I’m in a community of men who have all done this and we’ve found a ton of value in it. I still can’t read my future one back without tearing up!

    Ahhh.... my bad. Getting my vans mixed up. Thanks!

    That’s genius... plus can’t you get the EcoBoost V6 in one of those??

    Purdue University just opened the 1869 Tap Room, featuring a range of Indiana craft beer! Boiler up!

    BOILER UP! (I work at Purdue University) :D

    Whew! Yeah, that would definitely take up a lot of time!

    It’s been a minute... what happened to $kay? Hope everything’s alright!!

    You would have to pay ME $30k to drive that.

    HA! No hidden irony from me this time, just a poorly explained definition. Here’s a better one:

    Sorry Tesla PR Guy, but this IS how you build your cars... because you know... these two were built that way.

    No worries! Meta is basically using something outside of the data presented to explain it. In this case, using another joke meme from Jalop to make a joke about this article.

    Ooo... that’s a meta COTD right there!

    You definitely dodged one! I ran into an old co-worker of mine at the grocery store last night and he said they’re still working engineers as crazy as ever. Very glad I’m not there anymore! :)

    Came for this, was not disappointed. 

    How are wages performing relative to inflation though? Not trying to be contrarian, just actually want to know. If ones wages aren’t increasing more than inflation, you could call that flat growth from their point of view. To your point though, it’s never been easier to start your own business or find a better paying

    I used to be a manufacturing engineer up there, and for your own sake... I’m glad you didn’t end up there. :P They burn your candle at both ends and the middle (though the pay, benefits, and my coworkers were all excellent).

    I was there during one of their most recent expansions. They’ve definitely got more room to add on new buildings without disrupting current production, but man... it’s hell on manufacturing engineers. They’ll need to hire some more of those as well as new production line workers, which is good for the local economy.

    Does the tariff apply to imported parts, or just whole vehicles? The Ascent is made in Lafayette as well (though of course Subaru could increase prices across the board to make up for the tariff).

    More like a rectangular prism than a cube... ;)