Wait wha??? Someone needs to elaborate.
Wait wha??? Someone needs to elaborate.
Not completely wrong, but misguided. I was about to send his video to my boss, who’s a professor in civil engineering specializing in pre-stressed concrete until I saw that. :P
COTD and Autocorrect Fail of the Day (can this be a thing??)
Genius! I may have to try this at home tonight with our almost 2 year old daughter who sometimes throws a fit about eating dinner...
We get the occasional A-10 flyover here in Indiana from those based up in Fort Wayne. I always run outside and gawk as long as I can when they do!
This is great! Let me know if you ever want to do an article on “What Natural Hazards Scientists Wish You Knew”. I’d be happy to link you up with some great ones (granted, this is quite a little niche, but worth a shot)!
Congratulations!! I also recently lost 43 lbs since June doing simple, sustainable exercise and nutritional practices like you mentioned with a strong supportive group of men behind me. It’s so awesome to be able to lose weight, but even more importantly to be healthy and feel good about your own body. :)
How does one go about starting one of these lands of awesomeness??? There aren’t any in Indiana (at least that I could find in a quick Google search), and that needs to be changed!
I worked with an awesome woman in a previous life who was an engineer working on fluid systems for nuclear submarines and was trying out to be a Rockette. Dunno if she ever made it, but I think she got pretty far along in the process!
I stand corrected. LOL
Yeah... clearly they aren’t even remotely better than whatever “this” was meant to signify. lol
I can see the discussion now.... probably with someone of Germanic decent: “Vat, I installed viper under the windshield!!”
Swede: “ I said windshield WIPERS! WIPERS! With a W!!”
YES! I do weighted pushups with my GORUCK bag and a 30# weight all the time. Really good workout!
This is a great challenge! I’ll chime in with my progress here as well. This time last year, I could do maybe 10-15 in a row. Since then, I was consistent about doing just 5-10 pushups every time I left my desk at work, every day (or some other exercise, planks, air squats, etc.). Over the course of a few months, I’ve…
Definitely cameras. And a very detailed, photographed tool inventory.
Or how do you make sure that some random wrencher isn’t making off with your sockets or other tools after their project is done, cancelling the card they used for the transaction, and disappearing into the ether?
LOL- it does seem that way at times, but honestly being in a tribe of like minded men has really helped me out in a lot of areas. Jim Rohn once said that you’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with, and I definitely upped my average by starting to be around these guys.
I totally agree! Don’t get me wrong, I do a variety of exercises and rest on the weekends. I just do the monthly test to see where I’m at. Rest is my friend, friend. :)
Thanks! You know what really did it for me? 2 things:
1. I’m part of an awesome tribe of men called the Dad Edge Alliance. We push each other, encourage each other, and support each other to be better men, husbands, and fathers every day. They really keep me on task with my fitness (among other things!).
2. I do a…