Afterward we’ll be exhausted at work the next day and have food poisoning or heartburn from the pizza. Isn’t getting old awesome?
Afterward we’ll be exhausted at work the next day and have food poisoning or heartburn from the pizza. Isn’t getting old awesome?
Thank you Mr. Car Designer! I used to work in manufacturing engineering at Subaru (in Paint) and am soooooo glad I don’t anymore... Keep fighting the good fight. Also, screw those guys in Body that always dumped their problems on Paint thinking we could cover it up... *grumble grumble*
Just as with everything else in life, it’s more complicated than just black and white. Everything is an “it depends” kind of scenario with mitigating factors. Why people can’t understand that in terms of Presidential performance (looking at you Obama haters), I will never understand. I don’t agree with everything he…
Am I the only one that’s annoyed that they don’t actually show their whole lineup on that page? Where’s the Mustang? Fiesta? Focus? Quite annoying...
I like how the guy with the first fire extinguisher just kind of gives up.
So..... put the bolts back in?
It’s great until you forget you hung something there after waking up from a nap and leave it on the plane...
Shouldn’t he be arrested and tried for treason for this? Because that’s what would happen if anyone else leaked classified data of that magnitude...
The problem is though, if you can’t even afford to get your driver’s license back, how are you going to afford to move? You can’t rent a Uhaul, can’t drive a truck, and unless you’ve got a friend with a van or a pickup to help you out you’re stuck. These people just get stuck in bad situations because of poorly…
I think it doesn’t fit with his public Republican persona to appear to know anything or care for anyone aside from his base. It’s really sad how power warps some people...
Am I the only one in the known universe who hasn’t even heard of this show? I mean... Netflix has a lot of shows on there you could... I dunno... Not watch it if it offends you? Wtf people...
That’s the restraining bolt. He gets it put on when he’s captured by the Jawas and wears it for quite a bit of the Tatooine scenes.
Flight attendant: “Would you like some Hawaiian punch?”
As soon as I saw this thing, I threw up a little... This car screams one of two things: “I’ve given up on life, please run me off the road so I can die in a ball of fire.” or “I can only afford a $200 car, leave me alone to go make my shift start at McDonalds. Yes, I’m 45, what of it?”
I wish there was some video with sound of this beast!
What did I just see??
OH LAWD. That sounds amazing.
Any fans of Torin’s Passage in here? I remember playing the crap out of that when I was a kid with my dad and my sister. Good times...