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    I actually just had a lecture on health device legislation, and this is much more murky than meets the eye. Apparently apps can’t claim that they do anything until they are given a certain type of medical device approval by the FDA, which can take years. So.... they might not be as misleading as you think, they might

    Ah, I misunderstood! I thought they were scanning the INSIDE of the envelope. That makes much more sense and is totally fine then. :P

    My thoughts are that they SHOULD HAVE KEPT THEIR DEAL WITH HULU SO I COULD WATCH IT! Whew. That felt better.

    Great, so now my mail that has sensitive personal information will be stored on a government server somewhere just waiting to be hacked by a dude in his mom’s basement in Romania... Thanks USPS... I really needed that.

    The GR1 is fantastic. Can’t say enough good things about mine! Well worth the money, and the company is run by some of the best people you’ll ever meet. :)

    The GR1 is fantastic. Can’t say enough good things about mine! Well worth the money, and the company is run by some

    Father of two with a 2005 Legacy GT wagon here. Get one. Hell, buy mine, I’m looking to get a newer Outback! ;)

    That’s an excellent, and useful idea. You win the internet for today, good sir. :)

    I never started using it except to say “I woke up this morning, because my alarm went off and I needed to go to work today like an adult.”

    My wife is actually a LuLaRoe consultant and we talked at length about how to run it like a legitimate business instead of the usual MLM way. She just buys the clothes at wholesale, sells them at retail, and doesn’t try to “recruit” anyone. We’ve broken even with our initial investment a few months in and it’s working

    I think most kids have better grammar, sentence structure, and general demeanor than 45. Even my 3 year old would be a better President...

    That thing sounds like it’s actively trying to rip a hole in the universe to shove Al Gore through. I love it.

    Sadly, he already sold the rig. :(

    This. So much this. I love my wife dearly and want to help out more, but sometimes I literally can’t see the forest for the trees and need her to vocalize what she needs help with. Spelled out. Very clearly. I’m thick that way, or something. We’re not mind readers people, communication is a two way street.

    And because he’s the NHL/NBC’s Golden Boy, he’ll never get penalized or fined for it... ::sigh::

    I love this show! Need to rewatch it again soon.

    Ok, who let these ninjas in here and why are they cutting onions? And why do I feel the overwhelming urge to go pick up my son from daycare and just hug him for a while?

    Did all of Jalopnik suddenly get a case of the Z3s? This is the 3rd article in 24 hours about one! ::dons tinfoil hat::

    Is it just me or do all the Italian marques just sound sooooo much better than the others? Like some sort of fine wine, or a beautiful woman, or the name of a fancy boat.

    The last time an aircraft carrier has been used in battle was in World War II Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm.