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    Well there’s your problem, using facts in a post-truth, “alternative facts” era. ::sigh::

    Sadly, not on Kinja. But on SB Nation blogs if you surround your text with@ signs (ie. @insert sarcasm here@) it makes the font smaller and distinct. It’s recognized as the sarcasm font. And it is so useful and awesome.

    Only the toppest of notches.

    Methinks you forgot the sarcasm font on this rant. :P Some people didn’t quite get the joke...

    Great googly moogly...

    This reminds me of a story from driver’s ed...

    If we did it with Mustangs, all pedestrians everywhere would be instantly killed by their insatiable blood lust. Kind of like NYC at rush hour with taxis!

    I literally had no idea this was a law until this morning... so no, it’s not clear.

    I came for this, and was not disappointed. Well done, sir.

    I think this is some of that fake news that everyone seems to be on about lately...

    This kid doesn’t even know how to Google? Pretty sure he didn’t get that job he was interviewing for...

    I can survive in space.

    I wouldn’t go so far as to think I’m smarter than them, but thanks anyway. :)

    PLEASE SNOW ALREADY AND STOP JUST BEING F***ING COLD, INDIANA!! I want to go hooning in my Subaru!

    My parents did that to me on my 16th birthday with a Ferrari Hot Wheels car in the garage. :P

    Someone needs to get these bloody ninjas out of my office and tell them to stop cutting onions all over the place!

    I’ll never understand people who want to board early... Why would you want to spend more time in your cramped airplane seat?

    The Zumwalt Class is a destroyer, not a battleship...