Slow news day?
Slow news day?
A mangrove!
Get over yourself Ian. Good lord you whine too much
That looks fucking awful.
Cue the fighting game community doing damage control. Apparently acting like a retard is part of their culture. Inb4, millennial, liberal, carebear, soft skinned, etc.
no one mentioned politics but you had to make it political. Genius
“Hey millennial”
Isn’ it getting nerfed soon?
Isn’ it getting nerfed soon?
Install it.
Too much touching up and photoshopping. It looks too...I don’t know, fake?
I have a customized environment. Customized by me by deciding what runs and what doesn’t. Not decided by Microsoft.
Here’s a free reply, champ.
Good. FF XII was the last FF I had absolute fun with. The world felt alive. The music was amazing. I poured close to 200 hours in that game.
GTX 970 still kicking ass even with the VRAM issue
You have issues.
This will make a nice gag gift.
This will make a nice gag gift.
Your card is using tech from 2012. Were at a weird point where we’re making huge advances in tech.
I find it funny the very people bitching about the downgrade can’t even properly run the game on their PCs. They couldn’t possibly hope to run pre-downgrade W3.
let me guess, those are all women who just happen to look very young?
skill based progression in a JRPG?! I need this. Rev up the social media machine.