Actual good AI and mechanics. Damage sponges are bad game design
Actual good AI and mechanics. Damage sponges are bad game design
Get ready for this to be ruined by the weird Sonic fans
Nailing jello to a tree is impossible
I'm more of a buy-my-headphones-and-mic-separate kind of guy. Some times these headsets use low quality speakers/drivers and you pay a premium for branding or for the "gaming" label. Of course some of them offer nice features like wireless and portability which I do like. In the end it's good to weigh your options.…
Smooching would raise the rating to L for l-lewd.
No because there are pigs in angry birds. Man you're not very bright.
Nice try EA. Nice try.
I want Hironobu Sakaguchi to direct a new FF game. Last one he directed was V
FF XII had one of the biggest and lively worlds in any FF game. Then XIII came out and it had the most boring and not a live world ever.
Just download the .ipa file for iOS and the apk for Android.
Kojima's team went back and patched ZOE after people saw that it was lackluster. They had a studio contracted out to make it but they did a shoddy job so they cleaned it up.
Turning off random encounters seems cheap. If you went in unprepared and you're getting wrecked then get wrecked. It's always been this way why change it to reach a wider audience/
Female Vampire Vegan Velociraptors who've yet to lose their virginity who drive Volkswagon beetles.
I'm going to play like that in about 10 minutes. Gives me that Morrowind nostalgia
Please don't insult TF2.
Like when Marc Anthony did it? People called him a Mexican and told him to go back to his country, even though he's Puerto Rican which make him American.