
The crew sounds solid.  Wish there were more plot details. 

“masterful 2004 series” ...

I think BSG is a bit emptied out as a franchise. You can’t do much better than the best episodes of the 2005 series, nor much worse than the worst episodes of the same series (or Galactica 1980).

I like ZS movies more than most people here I think, but please god no with the Bond nonsense.

It’d be cool to see, like, 20-year-old James Bond. The humble roots that he comes from. Whatever trauma of youth that makes you be able to be James Bond. There has to be something there.

How the fuck is this asshole not in the greys?


It sounds like the third one’s got some twists on hand”

I follow Barnes on Facebook and it’s been great seeing how enthusiastic he’s been about this project this past year.

There’s a Mace Windu miniseries written by Marc Bernardin coming out in a couple months as well.

Or a very clumsy and awkward Batman.

It would have been hilarious if he just made his brother Superman, and we all had to deal with it.

That’s absolute nonsense.

I don’t see how it’s controversial to say that there are tragic civilian casualties on both sides of this conflict while acknowledging that neither Hamas nor Israel’s extremist, totalitarian government are the good guys.

I hope Neve Campbell and Courtney Cox gouge them for every dollar. Not sure how excited the fanbase are for a Scream film headlined by Patrick Dempsey.

TBF, there is a LOT of antisemitism in the criticism of Israel, and any criticism that calls for the end of the Jewish state itself is inherently antisemitic. 

The greatest propaganda achievement in modern history is how Zionists in Israel convinced the world that any criticism towards the extremist right-wing government in Israel is “anti-semitism”.

It’s really frustrating to watch this happen over and over.

Good. While Ragnarok was a breath of fresh air, Love and Thunder showed his style has limits and he selfishly wasted the entirety of Jason Aaron’s Thor run, a decade of source material and arguably the best Thor has ever been, on cheap gags. He’s better off working on his own smaller projects.