
I am soooo there... and i totally called the ending, only to be told, "thats not how its going to end"... and then..... oh yes it was....... all i wanted out of that show towards the end... was to have Locke die in some way that totally could have been prevented if anyone... and i mean anyone wanted to do

I'm not sure why people keep saying this. Other than being agonizingly slow drivers I've rarely had problems with the elderly. The worst drivers I encounter on a regular basis are young. They're impulsive and too arrogant to realize how incompetent they are.

The make-up work on Superman and Leia is just bananas. It's as transformative as a mask or CG. I'm lost for words.

Well, at least we know that when Max Landis wants attention, the blogs will listen.

"...director of Chronicle..."?

Promoting this kind of events and positive activities is the kind of thing I love to see for the gender equality, not all the recent BS from BOTH sides. Good Kotaku.

That is so cool! Cassandra Peterson. Hubba hubba!

I have met "Elvira" in person and what a transformation! I met her and hung out with her at my friend's birthday party,I was in complete disbelief that this petite stunning pale redhead was "The ELVIRA" .I had imagined her to look fake, plastic surgery, etc.She looked like the most fresh faced gorgeous woman and TINY!

Aaaahhhh my 6th grade teacher confiscated this watch from me and I never saw it again....you Bitch Ms Febles.

BE is one of the best period drama gangster shows ever. Stop trying to sympathize and simply experience it. View it. If not you're in for a world of hurt.

That's not Chop.

Mike has tried very hard to get over his rape conviction, mostly because he still thinks he got used by many people during that whole thing. He's also extremely ashamed of it and the stuff he used to do back then. He's been trying hard to clean up his act since then and when the reporter just came out and said "you

Can't believe it's going to get down to 16 degrees there tonight! Brrrr!

Jeez, show some cultural sensitivity, Tyson.

Update: Mike Tyson Elected Mayor of Toronto

Least offensive story we've had in sports all week.

Abuse is never justified. Never. Justified.

leslleannelevine: Exactly. Had it been a woman saying the same thing (using the other gender of course), that would have been our cue to cheer!

@Sisyphus: Really? Would we accept that kind of logic from a man? He deserved it because he probably antagonized her? Based on the article and comments here, I don't disagree with him. Gleefully admitting to partner violence is not okay just because you're a woman. It's still something to be ashamed of.

The missus smacked me around a bit for the 3rd time in our 17 year marriage -i never even raised a finger -ever!