This neatly dovetails into the obvious question nobody seems to be asking which is, Who created these murder hornets?!? What nation or extra-celestial beings designed these creatures to attack our peace-loving country and for what purpose?
This neatly dovetails into the obvious question nobody seems to be asking which is, Who created these murder hornets?!? What nation or extra-celestial beings designed these creatures to attack our peace-loving country and for what purpose?
Before the world went away, I went to the movies so often, I saw that first trailer so many times. Ken Branagh is presented distinctly as “some of the wrong doors” that “Tenet” opens, so my expectation has been that he’s a baddie.
I want to say I saw this in the theaters. I guess I was 9 at the time and I recall liking this movie, but it wasn’t a movie I watched a lot. (Though I feel like I taped it off cable at some point and held onto that tape as part of my library.)
Yes, I was really impressed that Pedro could do so much just through body language and was a little disappointed to learn it was body doubles doing most of that. It’s such a large part of that character because he doesn’t have much dialogue.
YES, I’ve watched videos about the UK Alien: War attraction, and am totally familiar with the xenomorph in the Great Movie Ride... it IS kind of weird to think that Disney had an animatronic xenomorph in their parks for years.
I hope the CATS effects artists are using the extra time to perfect Cheetah’s butthole.
I want a Xenomorph dark ride!
We’re gonna need a bigger boat. I had major issues with Prometheus but it had these elements that were new and intriguing.... that were largely dispensed with when Covenant dropped into theaters, which I think was trying to “course-correct” by being more Alien-y. The Engineers are kind of an advanced society but when…
My only thought is that they’re going to this length to keep the door open for Rose to return at some point. But she seems like she’s done. And I feel like it’d be less convoluted to just recast the same character. This used to happen routinely on tv shows.
I don’t recall it being universally hated — I feel like the consensus from my friends, at least, was that it was disappointing (and at times goofy). It wasn’t like Game of Thrones where EVERYBODY seems to just hate the end.
SUICIDE SQUAD is so terrible. I know it has defenders. Dumber people who don’t care about the basics of narratives, like character motivations and logic — who just respond to quips and colors moving onscreen.
Exactly — the sentence could have been worded, “If cost weren’t a factor...” They’re not claiming that costs are the same.
The Stand was my favorite book as an adolescent. (I picked it up as an impulse buy at a supermarket checkout one summer, not knowing anything about it.) Always thought it was fascinating to imagine the breakdown of society in the wake of this global pandemic... but also really loved the last part of the book, which…
I’ve heard that the Baby Yoda Show Season 2 finished production. It’s Disney+’s other shows that are in limbo because of the shutdown. So they’ve just got to milk this second season. Maybe break each episode down into 4 or 5 Quibis and ration them out over a longer stretch until the other shows can catch up.
For me, probably the most exciting parts are actually just WALKING from one section to another.
SAME!!! Like a good kind of shock-and-awe. Especially because we weren’t being rushed through. You get the breathing room to just be in that space and take it all in. It felt like you were truly transported elsewhere.
This video totally shows a lot but it’s so chopped up, it doesn’t really offer a real sense of the experience. The biggest moment, IMHO, is when you board that Star Destroyer initially.
Here’s Redd in the Pirates ride, for reference: