
@clearbox: yes, that simple. Jobs will say: "we made a product that does not represent the quality of our company but we have the fix now and will roll it out in the next couple of days."

@Cyber-bizz-czar: good to know, accent can be a girl catcher or a bully temptation. Online usually the latter.

@techfox: YES! I would love to know that too. One of the sites I recently discovered (yes im 5 years late) is reddit, (acutally im sure i ran into it 5 years ago but didnt pay attention to it till now) and I am surprised by the level of wit and self moderation of the site commentators.

@Jake712: yeah. what is worse is the lack of moderation of people with their comments. Last week I was playing cod6 and Im actually pretty good at it, I often get the "oh you hack" insult but I let it go because I know I don't use any "enhancer". but last week one of the players started with way over the top

@SamburgerHandwich: Great, thanks for the advice I will try it. Im using chome now and one of the things i miss is been able to use scripts the GM (although with version 4, chorme supports them and im using a few).

@Buster Friendly: yeah that would work if I would like to shut down all comments for all sites, including LH.

@joewiebe: Engadget added the shut down feature to their comment system. now if we could just hide some of the editors... well thats another story, nvmd.

I dont usually post (reason ahead) but here we go, lets see if this works.

"consume" great word for it. I would have used expend but I will not complain for a great word well used.

@zrag: over comcast taking over NBC killing hulu, changing net neutrality to ISPolicing and becoming 1984 for once and for all.

@roberts.sean: you should look like lindsay lohan by now if you got the 2G. : P

@stephen.mokey: Very interersting book, I have been all day reading it (at work of course) but I wonder where he gets the "ideal" weight for people. I, according to him, I should be 145 to 157lb. I have been in 145 when I was super thin (where my nickname comes from) to almost scary thin. I know is a just a reference

as amateur cook I can tell you that would be a killer for me. I need to see the names to imagine the taste I want to bring. I am definetly not there yet in only see the spice and boom! flava to mind.

@bobcostas: yeah f**k the clintons. AND while you are at it, also the environment, the wellbeing of our future generations, AKA our kids, and the market of future technologies. Lets connect our most important way of storing, archiving, accessing, processing and distributing information to the most dangerous and