Maybe it's probably full of heavy metals and industrial solvents... And the Russian bread definitely is... So there's that.
Maybe it's probably full of heavy metals and industrial solvents... And the Russian bread definitely is... So there's that.
While I am technically a millennial, I don’t think I fit in any of the usual descriptions assigned to them. But I did see quite a few of my friends become exactly that.
Jalops as a group have a tendency of pissing on everyone who disagrees with their generally accepted beliefs and opinions, and some of their writers behave like real assholes when someone presents them with a valid counterpoint, argument or a criticism. They also often use the lame-ass tactic of greying-out people…
What’s the name of this article so I can Google this please?
They will be seen as a more reliable ally willing to come to aid of any regime that it supports (something Egypt and Turkey was hoping from the US).
The one that leaves me “wondering”
Thank god Jezzies never cross post. When I’m really bored I go there and piss them all off though.
Putin is giving western analysts and military experts brain contusion with his foreign policy moves. The pullout took EVERYONE by surprise.
Not cool. As critical as I am about Russia’s actions in Syria, coming home is always a good thing, especially for those who weren't making strategic decisions.
Rumor has it the articles can be avoided by not clicking on them. If you need help, I’m sure there are several great mouse tutorials on Youtube.
They also got an (apparently successful enough) exercise in sustaining expeditionary war a long way from home, something we can only hope they’re not going to do much of.
Agreed. Looks tasty to me. It’s a touching gesture, even if it is mother Russia we’re talking about. These are still soldiers fighting in a war. I’m glad they made it home safe.
The West (US) and Russia’s goals were never the same in Syria.
Thats bread and salt. A traditional Slavic greeting. Your comment is just as stupid as the photo.
The West (US) and Russia’s goals were never the same in Syria. They could have worked together, unfortunately that never happened. One of the benefits Russia gained was valuable operational experience in a theater like this. Coupled with Georgia and Ukraine, their armed forces are getting combat experience.
The F-104 was also terrible. (And the reason Erich Hartmann got kicked out of the BRD Luftwaffe)
I think everyone always forgets the Thunderbirds once flew F-105s. Probably because the aircraft flew apart in flight and killed people.
Especially given the other Kirov article