I was just waiting for someone to post something related to this, TBH
I was just waiting for someone to post something related to this, TBH
Not to mention that cruise missiles of today/tomorrow are, well, uhh, stealthy...
Tyler, we need JLENS. Imagine if somebody attacks with Zeppelins??
Those early warning systems are for ballistic missiles not cruise missiles, a completely different kind of threat. A cruise missile is small, is airborne only briefly (compared to a ballistic missile), and flies very close to the ground. To stop them you need something looking down at the ground but from close enough…
Let’s see, US have land based early warning systems, airborne early warning systems, naval early warning systems, AEGIS, satellites.
I certainly do. The Chinese actions in the South China Sea is a land, resource and influence grab against a pack of nations that can’t do a damn thing to stop them.
I hit submit too early and have updated a tiny bit.
You have a number of reasons why. There are a few factors that push and pull against each other. 1) Iran has a normal military which is a little weak and under control. They also have the Revolutionary Guard (their goal is to preserve and export the ideals of the revolution) but they also have another faction of the…
I’ve got nothing meaningful to say either, so:
Things are starting to heat up. Nth Korea, China in south East China Sea, Syria, Somalia. Tension with Russia.
I still remember the videos after 9/11 of tens of thousands of Iranians flooding the streets to perform a candlelight vigil in honor of the dead. The Iranian people, who seem surprisingly progressive and educated, are not well represented by their leaders. Reopening Iran to the west can only have a positive effect…
Oh yeah, that deal made for some very strange bedfellows. The Hardliners in Iran were doing just about everything in their power to scuttle the talks led by the civilian government, and their moderate President. Iranians understand US politics better than most Americans do. They knew what the process was for approving…
When Mario is doing good and stompin on Bowser, he’s American. Once he falls down a pit, he’s back to being Italian.
Interesting turn of events. There has been so much press on how bad the deal was for us I had absolutely no clue that the elements within Iran considered it a bad deal as well.
Doctrine is absolutely correct. The Russians see the world differently because their world is different. And they have over 20 million reasons and a colorful political history to do things the way they do.
This made my day!
Of course, who is the sailor who gets charged with dressing the cat. Do they get hazard pay?
“Our ship never fleas.”