
My theater was almost full, but everyone had masks and they require proof of vaccination to get in the door. I felt safer there from covid than walking down the streets in San Francisco honestly.

iirc the article authors don’t write the clickbait headlines, so the browser tab might be showing what the author’s actual headline was.

As a person who doesn’t own Apple products because I dont like how closed their ecosystem is, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it is partly anti-Apple sentiment. I only have Apple TV from having a ps5 and adore Ted Lasso. I won’t resubscribe after my free trial because I have enough streaming services, but I’ll watc

The blonde hair for Nebula was a nod to old Film Noir flicks whose femme fatale characters (which she is totally playing Nebula as) were always blonde.

Like when successful Broadway musicals get movies and get oscar nominations for their music or costuming/design that they just copied, drives me crazy.

A car channel I watch did a video about this sort of thing. A car sold at auction for like 4 times the price that any car of that model had sold before, seemingly massively increasing the value of that model overnight. When they dug further they saw zero evidence the car had ever changed hands after the auction, but

I legitimately thought he had already passed away awhile ago, so this news made me both happy and sad.

Also, not all of these things are purely “luxury goods”. I need a good graphics card for my fucking job. Would the dad also be ok with creating artificial scarcity in circular saws and selling them at a huge markup to construction workers?

I honestly think when IGN bought humble in 2018 devs saw the writing on the wall and knew they were going to stop being an altruistic company. That was around the time that the bundles all started sucking hard too.

As a person who has had playstations since the beginning, they may not even be a single percent of the user base, but they yell as loud as double digit percents.

Best Buy, at least for the FE cards, actually never released the 3070 ti. They didn’t sell out immediately, there never were any. Even botting sites have verified no one got any.

You’re assuming everything that the TVA has said is on the up and up. For all we know, the sacred timeline is just the timeline where Kang lives forever and he’s determined to keep it that way. The TVA haven’t given us any reason to fully trust them and they could be giving us half truths at this point.

The Switch version of gotg is being streamed not running natively.

This is supposed to take place in the original Final Fantasy world, which is a traditional fantasy world. People were hoping to play as a character that fits in that style, not whatever this is supposed to be.

Unless they are making the systems in Iceland using locally sourced materials it still isn’t carbon neutral.

Marvel has shown they are willing to recast within their own movies, see Gemma Chan, so I hope they just give her a meatier role in a new property not saddled with the stink of IF. Plus it’s not even MCU canon so that seems even more likely.

They better have feathers.

Don’t forget the train tracks 1/2 a block away.

Tom Cruise may be nuts, but he’s typically very well liked by his co-stars and incredibly gracious with fans.

Not having to pay attention to the traffic and just read a book, play a game or do work is pretty convenient. Plus lower the amount of road deaths per year is incredibly important, although still a ways off. 10k+ per year are killed by drunk drivers, if we can replace those asshole drunk drivers with autonomous