
Haven’t comics always been that way?

Good list. I would personally add Kerbal Space Program.

Rory’s segment was one of my all time favorites, it really was visually outstanding

Oh I’m not even remotely addressing the allegations, just saying the Daily Mail is garbage and mixes real reporting with purposeful distortions of the truth. You had asked if it is just you or is the Daily Mail scummy, that was my answer.

If you want to find anything involving the truth behind a situation, never read the Daily Mail. They are one of the most untrustworthy sources out there.

Based on the titles of the upcoming movies outside of Infinity War and the recently announced movie dates without titles I think they are just trying to keep the mystery behind who is going to live through this more than anything. Going by the announced titles the only person we are guaranteed to live is Spider-man

That was acknowledged in the first couple of episodes of the first season, and every once in awhile Barry has a huge plate of food.

I live in the Bay Area, it’s literally just a leftover distinction from back in the day when referencing the city of SF vs the county of SF, it’s just an old nickname. Most aren’t claiming SF is the best and/or only city in the world that matters (though some deluded people do), again its just a nickname. It’s also a

Haven’t Klingons always eaten the hearts of their enemies? It’s not that big of a stretch, especially being on a ship without food and klingons starving.

Don’t forget Sliders!

On top of the ridiculous timeline, are they also hiring shitty artists from DeviantArt?

I may be misremembering but I read the scene to be that a man in a premenstrual woman’s body is more susceptible to torture because they wouldn’t be able to deal with it, but I read it years ago. Either way from a story telling point it doesn’t add much and the show runner is right that the emotional payoff isn’t very

That actually got a loud audible laugh out of me, well done.

Yeah I can confirm this. My sister travels a ton for her job now and her cheap luggage checked out after about 1 year.

They were so close too. The top half looks fantastic.

Disney recently gave prequels movie to a bunch of dead people.

I will never unsee this now!

Letting people think it was someone else’s fault is in NG’s best interests. It’s BS but considering we are talking about a defense contractor that recently purchased a company that builds competing rockets, it wouldn’t surprise me if they never absolve SpaceX.

Noah Hawley is exactly the kind of director Marvel would hire to direct one of their movies so I wouldn’t be surprised if his movie is still a go regardless.

Yeah, seriously. Flying foxes are one of the cutest animals on earth.